Van Mahotsav – CISF plants 1910 saplings in Lohegaon

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Pune – On 07.07.18, on the occasion of van mahotsav CISF unit of Pune Airport planted 1910 saplings in the Lohegaon area. CISF is celebrating Golden Jubilee year of its formation and organising various program for the betterment of society.

Apart from providing security to vital installation of the country, organization is always active to participate in social cause like tree plantation, blood donation etc.

On the occasion of vanmahotsav all the CISF units across the country are planting saplings with an aim to protect environment and hence contribute in social cause also. In pune, CISF unit of airport planted total 1910 saplings of various species of forest tree near the Harintale area of Lohegaon.

In this noble cause CISF unit is well supported by the forest Department and Grampanchayat of Lohegaon. Deputy Commandant S K Bajpai, Insp M K Sinha and Insp R K Agnihotri alongwith with 80 other CISF personnel took part in planting saplings. DY Commandant of CISF S K Bajpai told that CISF always look forward to contribute as much as the force can for the betterment of society apart from providing security. CISF takes it as his social responsibilty and the personnel feels happy in joining this type of noble activities.