Tranquil Tuesdays Sadhu Vaswani Mission

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Peace, Tuesdays at a time…Tranquil Tuesdays is a spiritual journey that occurs every Tuesday from 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune. These peace-filled sessions include ecstatic kirtans, followed by a guided meditation in English by Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani.

Each Tuesday, a renowned singer fills the satsang hall with melodious chants. Gracing the next Tranquil Tuesday, September 29th, 2015, will be Hasan Ali, Performer of ecstatic kirtans like crowd favorites Hare Rama Hare Rama, MahaMantra and Banmali Radha Ramna.

Providing a calming ambiance that transcends the daily routine, Tranquil Tuesdays is a favorite among all attendees. Ms. Rohera commented, “I sometimes feel every day should be a Tuesday. Tranquil Tuesday is indeed a step towards self discovery. I look forward to each Tuesday.”

After attending Tranquil Tuesdays for the first time, Dr. Jhangiani said, “As the meditation drew to a close, I opened my eyes and I noticed wetness on my cheeks.” He discovered that they were his own tears.”TEARS OF TRANQUILITY,” he remarked. Truly mesmerized by the experience, his eyes showed what his heart had felt.

Attendees have noticed that Tranquil Tuesdays not only has a calming effect on the mind, but also a healing effect on the body. Rajkumari Chotrani, commented, “Tranquil Tuesday is the medicine for modern diseases like depression and anxiety, high stress, and blood pressure. Thank you for this experience!”

Secretary of a well-known NGO, Mr. Nandkumar, was also captivated by the Tranquil Tuesday experience. You could have spotted him in the back rows of the major events at the Mission. The days in between, you would hardly see him. Then TRANQUIL TUESDAYS was launched and he too was invited. He did come at the launch. And he came yet again, seated a little ahead in the rows. Then in-between the Tuesdays, you could find him, this time, in second-third rows. He has not missed a Tuesday session yet. He remarked, “Because of Tranquil Tuesdays, I have become more regular at satsang. I am improving.”

Tranquil Tuesdays draws a diverse crowd from all over Pune. Its strong vibrations resonate with each and every individual who partakes in this experience. It is free and open to the public.

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