To track beat Marshalls, Pune police launches app

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Pune – The next time you call the police by dialling 100 and the cops (beat Marshalls) don’t respond, then be assured that they are being tracked about their movements. They will be taken to task for the delays.

The Pune city police have started using a ‘Beat Marshall Monitoring Mobile App’ on experimental basis, for mapping the real time locations of patrolling teams from the police stations and use the data for effective response during the emergencies. 

DCP (cyber cell) Deepak Sakore said, “The mobile phone based application will record the timings of the patrolling teams, the route of the patrolling and stops taking during the rounds. The application will be installed on the cell phones of Beat Marshals or patrolling cops and their movements can be mapped real time by the control room staffers, senior police inspector in charge of police stations.”

The locations can be seen on the map of the city thus in case of emergencies, the nearest patrolling party can be dispatched for the first response. 

“It will also help us to know which routes are being frequently covered and which ones are being left out so can we plan deployments in a better way”, he added.

The app has been developed by Sapience, a Pune based IT company.