Tata Mumbai Marathon introduces ‘Mumkin Hai’ – Run for Full initiative Procam International associates with Striders as Official Trainer forTata Mumbai Marathon

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Mumbai, 20thSeptember 2018: Procam International, pioneers of the distance running movement in India, today launched an exciting new initiative,Mumkin Hai – Run for Full in association with Striders, a renowned fitness training group in the country, at the back of IAAF Gold Label Race Tata Mumbai Marathon 2019 and onwards.

The sole purpose of the campaign,Mumkin Hai – Run for the Fullis to galvanize, encourage and assist amateur runners to push their limits towards becoming a Full Marathoner.

Running is the fastest growing participative sport in the country. The trend began with the advent of Mumbai Marathon in 2004 and today, the event is at the pinnacle of distance running in Asia. Considered to be one of the top ten marathons in the world, Tata Mumbai Marathon is an aspirational event for all amateur runners across the country.

Keeping this thought in mind, the association with Striders will be a one-stop solution for all runners with a special focus on full marathons.

Amateurs already bitten by therunning bug, understand the nuances of the sport of running. However, training and completing a full marathon is a completely different journey. For someone who has just started running, training for the full marathon is a novel experience, a true test of physical and mental toughness.

Striders,established in 2006, has been tirelessly working with such running enthusiasts across their 53 centers in 12 cities and providing expert guidance. With specialized training programmes, access to top class physical trainers, mental coaches, nutrition experts, and more, Striders will educate the runners on innovative and correct training mechanisms, strive towards helping runners achieve their running goals, and most importantly,soak in and enjoy the magic of running.

On the association, Vivek B Singh, Procam International, said, “All Procam running events have successfully motivated individuals to take up running across distances as a means towards physical and mental wellness. This running revolution that we are witnessing in India, is a testimony to the growth of running; it has created an entire eco-system around the sport of running. However, the growth and commitment towards the Full Marathon has been limited. Mumkin Hai- Run for the Full has a vision of having atleast 20,000 trained Full Marathoners participating at Tata Mumbai Marathon in the near future.We are delighted that Striders have come forward and accepted this challenge. We are sure their expertise and training support, will help convert our runners from the half to the full marathon. We want all Indians to know and believe that 42K ab ‘Mumkin Hai!”

The training sessions will commence across the 24 locations in India from 1st October, 2018 to 14th January 2019. For registration and more details please log ontohttps://tatamumbaimarathon.procamrunning.in/mumkin-hai


PrafulUchil, Co-founder, Striders Miles said, “At Striders, we endeavor to bring about a transformation in the lives of people and create a strong impact on society. We know that running a marathon is a life changing experience. My co-founder, Deepak Londhe and I along with the entire Striders team have a visionto significantly grow the pool of full marathon participantsin India. Powered by our vision and driven by our principles, we strive to constantly update our training methods and techniques to design a safe, effective and holistic training program for each individual. We are committed to encouraging individuals and corporate professionals to break free from the monotonous sedentary lifestyle and adapt to an active lifestyle, thus bringing about a radical change in people’s lives. Partnering with Tata Mumbai Marathon as the‘Official Trainer’ gives us the platform to drive our mission ahead with accelerated speed.”

With the systematic and holistic training methodology, this initiative will also enhance the chances of a runner to qualify and participate in the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championship in 2020 across various age groups of: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+ years.