State level Conclave on Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) organised at VAMNICOM, Pune

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Pune, 10 January 2023: The role of infrastructure is crucial for agriculture development and for taking the production dynamics to the next level. It is only through the development of infrastructure, especially at the post harvest stage that the produce can be optimally utilized with opportunity for value addition and fair deal for the farmers. Development of such infrastructure shall also address the vagaries of nature, the regional disparities, development of human resource and realization of full potential of our limited land resource.

In view of this, Finance Minister had announced on 15.05.2020 Rs 1 lakh crore Agri Infrastructure Fund for farm-gate infrastructure for farmers.

Financing facility of Rs. 1,00,000 crore will be provided for funding Agriculture Infrastructure Projects at farm-gate & aggregation points (Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies, Farmers Producer Organizations, Agriculture entrepreneurs, Start-ups, etc.). Impetus for development of farmgate & aggregation point, affordable and financially viable Post Harvest Management infrastructure.

A State level Conclave on Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) was organised at VAMNICOM, Pune, Maharashtra. The main purpose of the programme was to bring the Administration, Bankers, FPOs and other stakeholders under one platform to make aware and gear up the efficacy of the scheme.

Director, VAMNICOM, Dr. Hema Yadav gave the welcome address and briefed the importance of the AIF scheme and the ways and means how the stakeholder’s can come together and take the benefits of the scheme.

Shri. Anil Kawade , Commissioner, Cooperation, Government of Maharashtra talked about the sustainable approach about the scheme, that how infrastructure can bring trust building, branding and profit moves in the stakeholders and its ecosystem.

Shri. Ashok Gulathi, Economist talked about the Physical Infrastructure, policy intervention needed in market infrastructure, price mechanism and new avenues of way to value through the development of small infrastructure development at grassroots levels.

Shri. Samuel Praveen Kumar, Joint Secretary, MoA & FW, Government of India, spoke about the two important objectives of the AIF i.e; Infrastructure progress and Technology adoption through AIF scheme. He said that the AIF is implemented and its handholding is done by different platforms like Cooperatives, PACS, Multistate Cooperative Societies, Agriculture Department, ATMA etc. still the objectives are same and its will be win-win situation to all the stakeholders.

Shri. Kaustubh Diwegaonkar (IAS), Project Director, SMART suggested that the welfare schemes and the supportive schemes must be balanced as per the need and convergence of the stakeholders. Agribusiness mechanism and risk mitigation based infrastructure must be promoted for the welfare of the stakeholders.

Amresh Dey, execution Lead (AIF) gave the detail presentation about the AIF schemes, its implications, application and success stories of Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh of successful implementation of AIF scheme through Cooperatives allied ecosystem.

Shri G.S. Rawat, Chief General Manager, NABARD gave the precise information about the potential of Agriculture Infrastructure in Maharashtra.

Ramesh Chand Thakur, Lead Project , Manager, Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises spoke about the importance of agri-infrastructure in food processing and its applications.

Shri.Dashrath Tambhale, Director Agriculture (ATMA) gave the progress ways how the state and centrally sponsored schemes are working to improve the agri-infarstructure.

The closing remarks were given by Shri. Eknath Dawale , Principal Secretary, Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra by directing the stakeholders to work together so the benefits of the schemes will reach to grass root level and for the welfare of the people.

The vote of thanks was given by Mr. Meghnath Kamble, State Coordinator, AIF. The conclave ended with new paths for the better implementation of the AIF scheme.