Sarvatmaan Millet Multigrain Flour- A Healthy Solution

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Today we get to hear a lot about people suffering from cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problem, obesity, and weak bones in many families. Even children don’t get the essential nutrition for their mental and physical growth. Elderly people and young generation also need various type of nutritive food for a healthy living. But it is impossible to get right nutrition for everyone in the family through one product.

We understood this social problem and did comprehensive research on many grains. After a long research we have prepared millet multigrain flour which is unique in itself. This is a balanced mixture in which Gluten is absent. It is healthy for every age group. This flour contains unique ratio of ragi, jowar, Bajra, rajgira and wheat.

Ingredients of millet multigrain flour Sarvatmaan

Ragi: This is a complete package of calcium, amino acid and vitamin-D. This is a whole grain free of gluten. It is full of fiber which helps in decreasing weight and controlling diabetes. Its importance is completely understood because this contains calcium (0.38%), fiber (18%) and phenolic compound (0.3-3%).

Rajgira: It is gluten free grain, containing right quantity of proteins. It is full of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Jowar: it is a high quality fibrous grain full of proteins, vitamins and minerals. It decreases the chances of obesity, stroke, high blood pressure and heart problems. It is a complex carbohydrate that slowly controls the level of blood sugar. It is a good option for diabetic people who want to lose weight.

Bajra: it is also known as pearl millet. It is full of compounds like protein, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Because of the noble structure of proteins and minerals it has got many health benefits. It helps in controlling diabetes. Due to its high fiber content it digests slowly and in comparison to other eatables produces less glucose. It helps in getting rid of cardiovascular and acidity problem. It helps in weight loss and improves digestion.

Wheat: Wheat contains vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and omega-6 in abundance. Wheat is considered as the biggest source of vitamin-B in the whole world. It contains vitamins like thiamin and folic acid. B-6 wheat is full of magnesium which is a mineral and which acts as an associate for more than 300 enzymes.