Pune: Wagholi Women Take a Stand – No Wine Shops Impacting Our Children’s Education

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Wagholi, 30th December 2023: Residents of Happy Home Society in Wagholi, Pune, have united in strong opposition to the proliferation of wine shops within their premises. Citing concerns about the adverse impact on students and the overall environment, particularly with schools nearby, the women residents have issued a stern warning. They have threatened to take to the streets in protest if any attempts are made to establish a wine shop in the area.

Happy Home Society has become a focal point of contention due to the presence of numerous wine shops within its boundaries. The proximity of schools within the society has intensified opposition from women residents. These concerned citizens have initiated a protest, urging authorities to take action against the wine shops and advocate for their closure. A formal written complaint has been submitted to the Pune District Collector outlining their grievances.

Expressing their apprehensions, the residents stress that the opening of a wine shop could significantly impact students in the vicinity. The residents of Happy Homes Society have formally conveyed their concerns through a written statement to the collector and relevant officials. In the statement, they vehemently oppose the establishment of a wine shop within the society premises, emphasizing the potential detrimental effects on the community, especially the students.

A spokesperson for the residents highlighted the sudden decision by certain shop owners to introduce a wine shop without consulting or communicating with the society. The concern is amplified by the presence of two kids schools, Striking Minds School and Little Wings School, within the society building, as well as other educational institutions nearby. Additionally, the close proximity of hospitals, temples, and neighboring societies further underscores the potential adverse consequences.

The collective stand of the women residents is clear—they will unite in protest to prevent the establishment of a wine shop within the society. They have submitted a written statement, supported by a sheet of signatures from like-minded individuals, urging authorities to deny any permissions for wine shops in the society’s premises. The women are determined to safeguard the well-being and harmony of their community, pledging to take to the streets if their concerns are not heeded.