Pune: Quick-Thinking House Help Thwarts Robbery Plot Near Chandni Chowk

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Kothrud, 25th May 2024: A tense situation unfolded in a housing colony near PMC’s water supply tank at Chandni Chowk on Thursday when five men attempted to rob a catering contractor’s house. Armed with firearms and sharp weapons, the intruders threatened a house help in an attempt to access a safe.

Quick thinking by the house help prevented the robbery from succeeding. Sensing danger, the help locked the intruders inside the house and promptly alerted the police. Responding swiftly, the Kothrud police apprehended the suspects and took them into custody.

The arrested individuals, employed by an ice-cream shop owner from Pirganut, confessed to plotting the robbery to alleviate their employer’s debts.

Senior Inspector Sandeep Deshmane disclosed that the police recovered a billhook, hammer, and rod from the apprehended trio. Efforts are underway to locate and apprehend the remaining two suspects, who fled the scene with a firearm.

Further interrogation revealed that the suspects were recruited from Rajasthan by the shop owner, who had rented a room in Chande village near Sus to house his accomplices. The plan had been meticulously devised over the course of a year, with the perpetrators choosing a time when they knew the victim would be absent from home.

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“The owner orchestrated the robbery knowing the victim’s absence on Thursday. His associates entered the house, intending to steal valuables, but their plans were thwarted,” explained the officer.