Pune Police Pinpoint 18 Crime ‘Hotspots’ for Targeted Crackdown

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Mubarak Ansari

Pune, 2nd April 2024: In a bid to curb street crime and bolster security measures across the city, the Pune Police have pinpointed 18 notorious ‘hotspots’ known for criminal activities.

Shailesh Balkawade, Additional Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch, revealed that a concerted effort involving the local police station and the crime branch will soon be initiated to crack down on criminal elements in these areas.

The initiative comes as part of a comprehensive strategy devised by the police to tackle rising instances of street crimes. Extensive analysis of criminal incidents and the residency patterns of offenders in various parts of the city has led to the identification of these 18 hotspots by the crime branch. These areas have been flagged for issues ranging from possession of illegal weapons and drug trafficking to vehicle theft by juvenile delinquents, vandalism, snatching incidents, and robberies.

Special attention will be directed towards habitual offenders as part of the intensified crackdown. Unlike previous city-wide combing operations, the police will now target individual hotspots notorious for criminal activity. A joint combing operation involving units from both the Crime Branch and local police will be launched to flush out criminals and prevent their escape.

Additional Commissioner Balkawade emphasized that many of the perpetrators involved in cases of forced theft are local residents. Consequently, meticulous plans have been devised to execute the combing operation effectively and ensure the apprehension of offenders.

Of particular concern to authorities is the increasing involvement of minors in criminal activities such as mobile phone theft, two-wheeler theft, and vandalism. In response, the police have formulated a detailed roadmap to combat such crimes and restore a sense of security within the community.

“We are committed to instilling confidence in the police among the citizens,” remarked Additional Commissioner Balkawade, underscoring the importance of community trust in the fight against crime.

The identified crime hotspots have been categorized by Zone, with four hotspots allocated to each of the five designated Zones across the city, indicating a strategic distribution of resources to target high-crime areas effectively.

As the joint operation gears up to launch, residents and businesses in the identified hotspots can expect heightened police presence and vigilance aimed at deterring criminal activity and ensuring the safety of the community.