Pune Police Appeal to PCB for Swift Action on Safety Concerns at Fashion Street in Camp

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Camp, 4th January 2024: In a bid to avert potential mishaps, the Cantonment police have reached out to the Pune Cantonment Board (PCB), urging immediate action to alleviate congestion issues plaguing Fashion Street in Camp.

This iconic shopping destination, marred by a significant fire incident on March 27, 2021, is currently jam-packed with clothing stores and other businesses, creating a challenging environment for pedestrian movement. The police express valid concerns about the looming threats of fire hazards, stampedes, criminal activities, and potential disputes among shopkeepers leading to sabotage.

Of particular concern is the urgency to clear the market premises promptly, especially during weekends and festive seasons when overcrowding exacerbates the existing challenges. The PCB has been apprised of the situation, highlighting the need for swift intervention. The partitioning of leased shops has further compounded the issue by reducing space in the alleys, raising apprehensions about people’s ability to evacuate in case of an emergency.

Established in 1997, Fashion Street originally comprised 448 shops, each measuring 4 by 5 meters. However, unauthorized vendors have encroached upon unoccupied areas, including spaces designated for customers and parking. The activist community emphasizes that timely action against such violators could have prevented the settlements from expanding unchecked. Presently, Fashion Street boasts nearly a thousand stores, creating a more hazardous and legally complex environment.

A senior official from the Pune Cantonment Board assured that the police’s recommendations will be duly considered, and appropriate measures will be taken. However, no specific timeline or plan has been outlined at this stage. The officer clarified that the board is actively defending Fashion Street in court, acknowledging their inability to extinguish the extensive fire incident. Despite the prime location of this valuable land, the board currently does not generate any market revenue. Nevertheless, any future project undertaken in the area has the potential to yield millions of rupees.