Pune, January 8, 2021: The decision of the Maharashtra state government to regularize the Gunthewari constructions in the state till December 31, 2020, will benefit more than two lakh Gunthewari houses in Pune city.

Gunthewari is a traditional method used to measure land in the state. However, as per the Gunthewari Act, the practice of creating small plots of agricultural land in multiple gunthas (1,089 sq ft area) was illegal, and hence, carrying out constructions on gunthewari land was also illegal.

The state government enacted the Gunthewari Regularization Act in August 2001. Gunthewari constructions before January 1, 2001, were given the benefit. As a result, many Gunthewari areas in the state became regular. However, the regularization of many Gunthewari constructions is still pending. Therefore, the state government has decided to extend the Act. Accordingly, the Gunthewari schemes which have not been regularized till December 31, 2020, will be regularized.

Process of regularization of Gunthewari construction:

– The homeowner should submit the proposal for regularization of Gunthewari to the Municipal Corporation.

– Pay the required fee by attaching the existing construction map with the proposal.

– After that, the corporation gives the certificate of regularization.

– 7/12 excerpts of the house after regularization certificate, should be applied to the revenue department for registration of city survey.

– The regularization process is then completed.

 Benefits of regular Gunthewari

– The house gets the form of legal ownership.

– The house can be sold.

– Can be done in the name of inheritance.

Houses on this land do not benefit:
Houses on Encroached Lands, Non-Development Areas, Green Areas, Tourism Areas, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Defence Areas