Pune: Child Begging Scam Unearthed in Hadapsar; Fake Burn Marks Exposed

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Hadapsar, 31st December 2023: In a shocking revelation, residents near Noble Hospital Chowk in Hadapsar caught a child engaged in begging, pretending to have burn marks on his hands.


Arshad Sayyed, a Hadapsar resident, narrated the incident, stating, “While on my way to the office, I often noticed people near Noble Hospital Chowk begging, accompanied by children showcasing burn marks on their hands to evoke sympathy. Initially, I ignored them. However, witnessing some locals apprehend these kids changed my perspective. It became evident that these were the same children seen begging at the signal near Noble Hospital Chowk. It dawned on me that they were running a deceptive operation, faking burn injuries. It’s not just these kids; there seems to be a more extensive network involved in this scam. They mentioned residing in Daund, coming here specifically to beg and deceive people. I was startled to see a beggar with a mobile phone for the first time.”


Upon closer inspection, Arshad Sayyed and others realized that the burn marks were not genuine. They confronted the kids, demanding the truth and insisting on the removal of the fake burn injuries. After persistent questioning, the children admitted to their deceptive practices.