Pune Airport’s New Terminal to Offer Assisted Cab Service for Passengers with Special Needs

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Viman Nagar, 11th September 2024: In a move to improve convenience for passengers with specific needs, AeroMall and Pune airport authorities are set to launch an assisted cab service at the new airport terminal. This service, expected to start within a month, will cater to arriving passengers such as those in wheelchairs, women traveling alone with heavy luggage, children, and senior citizens.

Currently, while taxis and autorickshaws can drop off passengers at the terminal, pick-ups are not allowed directly from the arrival area. Violators face hefty fines. The new service aims to bridge this gap by allowing cabs to pick up passengers requiring assistance right from the terminal building.

AeroMall Vice-President, YS Rajput, explained, “We have received preliminary approval from airport authorities. There is already a help counter at the new terminal. Passengers with genuine needs can approach us, and we will arrange for cabs to pick them up directly from the terminal. This eliminates the need for them to travel to AeroMall for a ride, making their experience much smoother.”

At present, arriving passengers must walk or use available e-buses and golf carts to reach AeroMall’s designated cab pick-up point on the second floor. Flyers have long expressed dissatisfaction with this system, particularly those with mobility challenges or heavy baggage.

In response to long-standing complaints, AeroMall recently moved its PIN-based cab service to the first floor to reduce waiting times. However, complaints persist. A passenger recently shared on social media that he had to wait 40 minutes for a cab on the second floor before opting for an autorickshaw instead, as no taxis were available.

The upcoming service is expected to address some of these concerns and ease the experience for passengers with special requirements.