Pune: 1.5 Lakh Citizens Applied For Travel E-Pass In The Last 17 Days

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Pune, 11th May 2021: For interstate and inter-district traveling, a total of 1.5 lakh citizens applied for e-pass in the last 17 days out of which more than 55 thousand applications were rejected by the Pune city police.

The state government has imposed a restriction on inter-district and interstate traveling on 23rd April, since then it is mandatory to obtain an e-pass from the police department for traveling from one district to another.

Out of 1.5 lakh applications received by the Pune police, a total of 55,099 applications were rejected while permission has been given to 27,597 applications.

DCP (Crime Branch) Shrinivas Ghadge said, “The e-pass is given to those who are traveling from one district to another for medical purposes or to attend the wedding or funeral of a close relative. To get this pass, it is mandatory to submit a Covid-19 negative report with the application and other documents. An application that does not have these documents or there is another purpose than mentioned above was rejected.”

Application for E-pass: People in need can apply for e-pass on the website covid19.mhpolice.in The application form is available on this website and necessary information like where to travel, why, when, and how you are traveling should be mentioned in the form. Also, documents like Covid-19 negative report, Adhar card, and other required documents should be uploaded with this form. The permission is granted or rejected within 24 hours of submitting the application.

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