Pakistan: Hundreds Feared Dead In Crackdown On Baloch National Gathering In Gwadar

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Gwadar, Balochistan (Pakistan), 29th July 2024: The situation has escalated dramatically at the Baloch National Gathering on Marine Drive in Gwadar. Reports indicate that the State of Pakistan has launched a severe crackdown on the gathering. The Army, Frontier Corps (FC), Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), and police forces have besieged a crowd of more than 5,000 attendees.

Eyewitnesses report that straight firing, tear gas, and heavy shelling have resulted in a high number of casualties. Early estimates suggest that the death toll could reach the hundreds, with thousands more injured. Accusations of ethnic cleansing against the Baloch people are emerging, with claims of war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by the state forces.

Sources have confirmed the illegal detention of prominent figures, including Sammi Deen Baloch, Dr. Sabiha Baloch, and Shahgi Sibghat Abdul Haq Baloch, by security forces. The Baloch Nation is urged to remain resilient, united, and to protest non-violently across every city in Balochistan in response to these events.

Additionally, caravans that were denied access to Gwadar are staging sit-in protests at Talar, Zero Point, Mastung, and other areas. These protesters are also facing the threat of military attacks.