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New Delhi, 24th June 2024: Tightening the noose around the human trafficking syndicates operating across India, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday chargesheeted eight more accused in a case relating to trafficking of Bangladeshi nationals and Rohingyas through the Indo-Bangladesh border as part of a transnational racket.

The agency, in its supplementary chargesheet filed today, has named Jalil Miah, Hanan Miah, absconder Kajal Sarkar, Adhir Das and Anwar Hussain @ Mama, all of whom were operating from the north-eastern state of  Tripura. Others chargesheeted have been identified as absconder Kamal Das, brother of chargesheeted accused Amol Chandra Das, who was operating from Silchar, besides West Bengal-based Liton Chakraborty. The eighth chargesheeted accused is Bangladeshi national Rabiyl Hasan @Rabiul Hassan.

As per NIA investigations, Liton Chakraborty was engaged in preparing Indian ID documents for the Bangladeshi nationals on fake or forged supporting documents and certificates through clandestine means. Rabiyl Hasan was found to be well connected with the arrested accused in Assam, West Bengal, Tripura and Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

NIA had earlier filed a chargesheet against 24 Bangladeshi nationals under IPC, Foreigners Act and Passport (Entry into India) Act.

Investigations by NIA, which is continuing with its search for the absconders and other suspects in the case RC-01/2023/NIA-GUW, has exposed a massive network of transnational human trafficking operated by various facilitators, touts and traffickers in Assam, Tripura, West Bengal and Bangladesh. The probe has revealed a strong nexus between all such operatives.

As per investigations by the agency, which registered the case in October 2023, the trafficked individuals were being forced into hard labour on low wages and exploited under threat of arrest by the police. The case was originally registered by the Assam Special Task Force (STF) in September 2023.