Never forget the motherland that has given you a great upbringing

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The Vice President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that Indian Community living abroad is making the country proud and contributing immensely to both the country they are residing and to the motherland. He was addressing the Indian Community Reception hosted by the High Commissioner of India to Malta, in the Capital Valletta last night. The Minister of State for Finance, Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla, the High Commissioner of India to Malta, Shri Rajesh Vaishnaw and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.

The Vice President said that a resurgent India will always be with people of Indian Origin and asked them not to forget the motherland that has given them a great upbringing. He further said that the role of Indian community is crucial for taking the message of India to the word in Art, Culture, Ethos and Traditions.

Stressing the need to strengthen India Malta relations, the Vice President said that despite being a small nation Malta has shown good growth and India and Malta can have a long term relationship. The size of the country is not important but the growth is, he added.

The Vice President said that Indian population can excel in all spheres and they integrated well with societies across the globe. Geographical boundaries do not separate India and Malta, he added.

Highlighting the Indian growth story, the Vice President said that the nation is witnessing a stable growth and is on the rise. Systematic government reforms are making an inclusive society and the efforts are in full swing to make India a formal Economy, he added.

Saying that India is at the cresp of transformation that is unprecedented, the Vice President added that digitization of economy, financial inclusion, GST and Jan Dhan have brought in revolutionary change in Indian Economic scenario. Road and Telecom network changed India and the communication system in vast country like India is revolutionary, he reminded the steps taken by former Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

The Vice President said that Indian art Yoga, Ayurveda becoming popular all over the world. India has become a health destination and it launched an ambitious healthcare system- Ayushman Bharat, a program recently launched will change the Healthcare system in India.

Following is the text of Vice President’s address:

“Namaskar to all of you. I bring you the warmest of greetings from India.

I thank all of you for welcoming me and my delegation members with such warmth and affection. I am accompanied by Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance, Mr. Shiv Pratap Shukla and Mr. Prasanna Acharya, Mrs. Vijila Sathyananth and Ms. Saroj Pandey, Hon’ble Members of the Upper House of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Mr. Raghav Lakhanpal, Hon’ble Member of the Lower House of Parliament (Lok Sabha).

I am delighted to visit this beautiful and historic city of Vellatta. I would like to thank the Government of Malta for extending warm hospitality to me and my delegation members. During the visit, I look forward to fruitful interactions with President, Hon’ble Speaker of the House of Representative of Malta, Acting Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition of Malta. I will also have an opportunity to address India-Malta Business Forum during the visit.

Sisters and brothers,

In this distinguished gathering, some of you are professionals, researchers, students or businessmen. Some of you may have come to this country decades ago, some of you may have arrived only a few years ago. I am so pleased that you have integrated into the Maltese society and made valuable contributions in sectors like pharmaceuticals, information technology, and healthcare and tourism service industry.

It is not surprising that the vast and growing Indian diaspora is doing so well everywhere. There is within each one of us that invisible common thread of essential Indian-ness. For us, the whole world is actually a large family. The geographical boundaries do not limit us nor do the linguistic and cultural differences. We learn and appreciate good ideas irrespective of where they originate from. “Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides” said our ancient sages.

I am happy to note that the Indian community enjoys the reputation of being peace loving and able to assimilate into the local environment. You are making a contribution in the socio economic development of Malta by way of investments, knowledge transfer, philanthropic engagements, and catalysing demand of Indian goods in their countries of settlement.

Sisters and brothers,

I feel very proud that I represent an India that is at the cusp of a transformative movement.

I am happy to inform you that India is in the midst of an unprecedented economic and social transformation. The economy is growing at a steady pace and the systemic governance reforms are creating a more inclusive society.

India has climbed 30 places in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index this year and IMF has forecast that India will grow at more than 7 percent in 2018 and 2019, ahead of other major economies.

A number of economic reforms have been undertaken by Indian Government including digitisation of the economy, financial inclusion, tax reforms like Goods and Services Tax (GST). More than 326 million persons have opened bank accounts in the last four years making financial inclusion a reality. Tax base has been widened and tax compliance has increased.

India is rapidly expanding its infrastructure. For instance, over 9829 Km national highways were constructed during the year 2017-18 as compared to 8231 km during the previous year.

The policy initiatives taken by the Indian government such as Make in India, Skill India, Digital India, Smart Cities and Start-up India are opening up new opportunities.

India is creating an enabling eco system that will spur growth, skill youth and foster entrepreneurship. India, today is a veritable land of opportunity for those who want to connect, innovate, trade and invest

India is contributing to and witnessing the onset of an information technology revolution which is changing the way a government engages with its citizens. A revolution, which rests on digital infrastructure that allows free flow of information, innovation and ideas on the information high-ways.

Dear Sisters and brothers,

We have also set the goal of providing affordable and inclusive healthcare to the citizens and to realise this goal we have launched the world’s largest and India’s most ambitious healthcare program, Ayushman Bharat — National Health Protection Mission, announced in our Union Budget of 2018 and reiterated by our PM on 15 August this year. The scheme will provide a health insurance cover to 100 million families.

India has taken the lead in the field of energy, and we have set a goal of 175 Gigawatts of renewable energy. We hosted the founding conference of International Solar Alliance in Delhi in March this year. This is one of the largest commitments to financing solar energy projects around the world.

We are a young nation of 800 million strong youth. This demographic advantage is being converted into a demographic dividend. We are upgrading the competence of this aspirational, young population through “Skill India” programme.

Sisters and brothers,

You represent India in Malta and Malta in India and your role in both connecting and developing our ties is very important.

Your presence in Malta from different parts of India helps in creating awareness about the rich cultural diversity of India, and taking the message of Indian music, art, dance, and other heritage, like Yoga and Ayurveda to our Maltese friends.

A resurgent India awaits you. We have taken several steps towards eliminating barriers of your connect with India. It has been our resolve to be available to overseas Indians and to ensure that interface between our government and you remain smooth and a pleasurable experience. I am sure, you are taking advantage of the e-Visa scheme of India launched in 2015 and further liberalised last year for business, tourism and health purposes.

To facilitate easy stay of foreigners of Indian origin in India, we offer OCI cards. I would encourage you to join the scheme and enjoy the facilities offered under it and strengthen the bonds with the country of your origin and the country of your ancestors.

In order to engage with our vast Diaspora and to bring their knowledge, expertise and skills on a common platform, we have created a new facility- the Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra- in New Delhi, as a one stop resource center for our diaspora. You must visit it whenever you come to India. Our Government also runs a special programme – the Know India Programme- to bring our diaspora youths together and expose them to India.

The Government and people of India are thus proud of your achievements. The decision to open a resident Indian High Commission in Malta has been taken with the desire to connect with you all.

It has been a pleasure and privilege for me to connect with you. Each one of you, member of the Indian diaspora, have made us proud because of your accomplishments, your acceptance within the country of your adoption and your well-recognized contribution to the development of the society which you have adopted.

You are the face of India in Malta exemplifying to the people you interact with, the mind and heart of Bharat.

You are the inheritors of the universal vision that India has been expounding since time immemorial. You are the valuable human resource for India bringing in new Knowledge, skills and attitudes to accelerate India’s growth.

I thank you all once again for being here today and welcoming me with so much warmth.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors to make Malta and India come closer, grow together and share a prosperous future