National Conference of Nurses in Pune – January 4, 5

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Pune – Community Health nursing is the nation’s core service providing health care to the people in their homes. Sadhu Vaswani College of Nursing will host the sixth National conference of SOCHNI (Society of Community Health Nurses of India) on the theme “Explore, Enrich, Envisage – A Vision for community health nursing practice”.

The event will be held at Indulakshmi Auditorium, St. Mira College for Girls, Pune on 4 th and 5 th of January, 2018. The organizers expect about 300 delegates to attend the two day conference. Conference attendees will include nursing students, faculty and practicing community health nurses from all over the country. Dr. Arun Jamkar, Ex- Vice Chancellor of MUHS, will be Chief Guest at the inaugural function. On the occasion of Dada J P Vaswani’s centenary birth year celebrations the conference will be an opportunity to spread Gurudev Sadhu T L Vaswani’s message of Simplicity, Service, Prayer and Purity as the pillars of community service. The conference will showcase discussions and deliberations on the trends and issues in community health nursing practice. Ground realities will be explored and strategies to improve the efficiency of frontline workers and efficacy of health care service providers will be discussed.

The speakers will also deliberate on the expanding scope of community health nursing practice and policy changes required to improve the health of the community at local, state and National level. Delegates will be enriched with nursing practices using innovative models and leadership ideas. Ways to keep pace with the rapid changes in health care and the changing roles and responsibilities community health nurses are topics to speakers will discuss at length. The conference will be great opportunity for the nursing fraternity interact with eminent nursing leaders and enhance their skills in
practice. It will empower them with competencies to design community based
strategies for health promotuion.