“Muktotsav 2018” held in Pune

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Pune, 30th September 2018: Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation organized it’s annual program for diabetes patients Muktostav 2018 on Saturday at Ganesh Kala Krida Manch . Well-known surgeon Dr Gajanan Ekbote , bariatric surgeon and obesity expert Dr Jayashree Todar , Kathak Exponent Shama Bhate , Dr Pramod Tripathi, Founder Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation, Cofounder Dr Ritu Tripathi were present on the occasion. About 70 diabetics who passed the tough GTT ( Glucose Tolerance Test ) this year were felicitated with a medal and citation while 50 more who passed the IGT ( Impaired Glucose Tolerance Test ) were also felicitated. FFD ( Freedom from Diabetes) app , a free app for diabetics was unveiled at the hands of the dignitaries . Two books Soups, Salads, Chutneys and Dips & Exercise your way to freedom from diabetes were also release on the occasion .

Dr Pramod Tripathi said that it is a matter of concern that India is on the way to become the diabetic capital of the world, especially Type 2 diabetes which can be avoided and reversed if diabetics make changes in their diet and exercise regime. Through Muktotsav we aim to celebrate the success of those diabetics who have freed themselves from medicine or insulin and also passed the tough GTT test. . This will give inspiration to other diabetic patients. Freedom from Diabetes Research Foundation and Muktotsav which started as a small initiative has now turned into a people’s movement with people not only from Pune but across India making changes with diet and exercise to become diabetes free and inspiring others.

Dr Gajanan Ekbote said that consistency in diet and exercise is important .

Dr Jayashree Todkar said that we have forgotten that food is medicine and look at it as pleasure. There should be some proper orientation about food and diet .