Mixopathy: IMA Calls for Nationwide Relay Hunger Strike Till February 14

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Pune, February 9, 2021: “We are protesting the CCIM notification in the Gazette of Central Govt., allowing Ayurved Post Graduate students to use 58 surgeries. IMA has called for a nationwide Relay Hunger Strike by all the IMA members at their local branches from 1st Feb to 14th Feb 2021”, said President of IMA Pune branch Dr Aarti Nimkar.

About 200 members took part today in the Relay Hunger Strike at IMA Pune. Chairman Trust Board Dr Avinash Bhutkar and Executive Trustee Dr Jayant Navarange along with Office Bearers and Past Presidents of IMA Pune participated in the protest.

All the 6 lakh IMA Members including the undergraduate & Post Graduate medical students are taking active part in it. IPP IMA Pune and Chairman Action and HBI Committee Dr. Sanjay Patil enumerated the following:

Fallacies in CCIM Notifications-

1. The Modern medicine surgical procedures are dubiously renamed in Sanskrit and claimed falsely that they are original Ayurved surgeries.

2. An Ayurved PG student after completing this course can perform surgeries from various specialized branches of Modern Medicine. It means the same ‘Vaid’ can perform Appendicectomy, Kidney stones, Ear Surgery, can operate Cataract, is allowed to Gall Stone Surgery and is qualified to do Dental Extraction. Such wide choice is not allowed legally to even the General Surgeons of Modern Medicines.

3. The Ayurved Vaids will be given M.S. Degree which will confuse the patients about his pathy.

IMA Stand

Any operative procedure is a delicate procedure which carries a thin line between life and death.

The modern medical surgeon takes deep studies in Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and Anaesthesia. He does hundreds of surgeries under his experienced and wise professors in the surgical streams before getting his post Graduate degree. To perform Gastrointestinal Surgeries and Laparoscopic surgeries he spends few more years, which cannot be compared with the Ayurved curriculum where the basic concepts are different.

“This mixing of allopathic surgeries with Ayurveda will hamper the growth and very existence of the ancient branch of Ayurveda”, said National IMA President Prof. Dr. J. A. Jayalal.

Demands of IMA

The Notification of CCIM should be withdrawn.

The 4 Committees of NMC should be dissolved immediately, which are formed for such MIXOPATHY.

The end result of CCIM notification will be on the patient’s life and health. So we will be doing sensitization of Community at large all over India.

From 1st February 2021 to 14th February 2021 there is nationwide Relay Hunger Strike by all the IMA members at their local branches.

IMA Maharashtra State President Dr. Ramkrishna Londhe said, “IMA Leaders from various states have been going to IMA Headquarters at Delhi to represent their states.”

The undergraduate and Post Graduate Medical students are participating actively in this agitation.

Dr. Mangesh Pate, Secretary IMA HBI HQ, said all the colleague associations of Modern Medicine, speciality and super-speciality branches, Govt. Doctors, Medical College Teachers have supported our agitation and are taking part in all the activities.