Miraculous Recovery: Pune Vet Team Saves Dog’s Life in Successful Cancer Surgery

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Pune, 19th January 2024: In a remarkable feat led by Dr. Narendra Pardeshi, a prominent veterinarian from Small Animal Clinic in Pune, a dedicated team successfully saved the life of Badal Khandke, a twelve-and-a-half-year-old dog diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer affecting the left leg. The surgery, which involved amputation, was conducted with precision, and astonishingly, within just 24 hours, Badal was back on his feet, displaying a remarkable recovery and regaining his cheerful demeanor.

Similar to humans, pets also face the challenge of cancer, as witnessed by Kanchan Khandke, a devoted pet owner and school principal from Dehradun. The ordeal began when her rescued Indian cross-breed canine, Badal, at the age of 12, was diagnosed with advanced bone cancer, leading to limping and discomfort.

Relocating from Rajasthan to Dehradun in May 2023, Kanchan Khandke noticed Badal’s condition deteriorating. Concerned, she sought the expertise of a local vet, who, after an X-ray, raised the possibility of cancer. Familiar with Dr. Pardeshi from two decades of veterinary care, Kanchan invited the experienced team to assess Badal’s condition in Dehradun. Tests, including a scan and an FNAC test, confirmed the presence of a tumor.

Subsequently, Khandke decided to travel with Badal to Pune, a journey that spanned four days and covered 35 hours of driving with breaks. Dr. Pardeshi elaborated on the diagnosis, stating that Badal had advanced osteosarcoma, originating in the lower part of the leg and spreading upwards. This fast-growing and aggressive bone cancer necessitated prompt intervention for a successful outcome.

After a thorough evaluation in Dehradun, which included blood tests, CT scans, and a biopsy, the presence of cancer was confirmed, leading to the decision for leg amputation. Kanchan Khandke faced a difficult choice, with Dr. Pardeshi advising swift action. However, personal challenges, including her mother’s stroke, delayed the surgery until January 9th, 2024.

The surgery, lasting two and a half hours, involved amputation of Badal’s left leg, a common approach to alleviate pain and enhance the dog’s quality of life. Remarkably, within 24 hours post-surgery, Badal was walking again, showcasing resilience and adaptability to three-legged mobility.

Dr. Pardeshi emphasized the importance of early diagnosis and post-operative care, recommending regular veterinary check-ups. The pet parent, Kanchan Khandke, expressed gratitude towards Dr. Pardeshi, acknowledging him for providing Badal with a new lease on life. Witnessing Badal’s progress each day filled her with hope and appreciation for the remarkable recovery facilitated by Dr. Pardeshi and his dedicated team.