Limited Seating and Unhygienic Conditions Plague Pune Airport, Frustrating Flyers

chairs at Pune airport
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Pune, 12th January 2024: Passengers at Pune Airport are facing prolonged standing times as the waiting area grapples with a scarcity of chairs. Adding to the discomfort, many available chairs are reportedly in a dirty state, rendering them unsuitable for seating.

A businessman expressed his dismay highlighting that the situation sheds light on the airport authorities’ lack of attention to basic amenities. “The officials seem either oblivious to the gravity of the situation or have purposefully neglected it,” he remarked.

Another passenger, questioned the image the authorities want to project, considering the airport serves a significant number of passengers, including foreign nationals. The current state of the waiting area is not befitting the airport’s stature, as per his observations.

Gayatri Vajpayee, who visited the airport to meet a friend, shared her experience of torn seats in the area in front of the ticket counters. This revelation raises concerns about the overall maintenance of the facility.

With approximately 16,000-17,000 daily passengers, the airport witnesses a considerable footfall. A frequent flyer, speaking anonymously, lamented the inability to find a place to sit inside the waiting area on three consecutive occasions. He also pointed fingers at fellow passengers for dropping food on chairs and leaving behind plates.