ISIS is not just un-Islamic, It is anti Islamic says Subai Jamat –E- Ahle Hadees, Mumbai and Konkan Region

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AZAM CAMPUS (PUNE):  The Subai Jamiat Ahle-Hadees for Mumbai and Konkan region organised a one-day conference against terrorism with special reference to  ISIS at Azam Campus on Thursday in Pune. The conference was  based on the theme of “Islam’s universal call for peace” and the grave threat ISIS poses to humanity. (ISIS Insaniyat ke liye Khatra). The programme was organized by Jamat –E-Ahle Hadees, Pune.

Two keynote speakers comprising  Shaykh Abdussalam Salafi who delivered his talk on “Cleansing the Society from the threat of terrorism-Importance and Methodology  while another Islamic scholar Shaykh Au Zaid Zameer delivered his talk on “ ISIS a threat to humanity .” Salafi appealed to the State Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) and the police department to take necessary action against those involved in terrorist activities.

He said “ We appeal to those youngsters who are prone to radicalism through social media should taken into confidence and counseled instead of being arrested ,” added.

Addressing a large gathering of muslims and policemen including serving and retired officials from the special branch of city police, keynote speaker Shaykh Abu Zaid Zameer condemned ISIS as a terrorist organization which was working against humanity.

He said “Islam is the religion of peace, which has no relation with violence, terrorism and intolerance. This global faith  supports a just, truthful, honest and peaceful society and strongly condemns every types and shades  of terrorism. The Jamiat has its own point of view about terrorism and has been making painstaking efforts from the very beginning to maintain peace in the country and society and condemns terrorism tooth and nail ,” he added.

Shaykh Abu Zaid Zameer further said “  The inhuman activities of ISIS are such that when one hears about them or sees their pictures on TV, the whole humanity feels pain. This type of cruelty, violence, murders and mischiefs, in which ISIS is involved, is not allowed even against animals, let alone human beings. This all is being done after putting on the garb of ‘Khilafat’, in the name of Islam. It seems to be a result of a deep conspiracy of the enemies of Islam and the murderers of humanity. All these types of organisations are terrorists and condemnable. To support them or cooperate with them in any capacity is prohibited in Islam. It is the religious duty of the sensible individuals of the Muslim ummah that they should warn the world against these dangers and prevent them from supporting and helping such outfits in any way,” he said.

All the speakers were vociferous during the conference protested in strong words against ISIS, condemned the  terrorist outfit and pointed out that under the Islamic code of justice, there is no scope to avenge the mistake of one person from another.

The conference was presided over by  Shaykh Abdussalam Salafi, President of Subai Jamiat Ahle Hadees, Mumbai and Konkan region. A number of office-bearers of the organization were also present during the well attended conference.