Infineon and NSRCEL at IIMB Sign MoU to Strengthen Startup Ecosystem Focusing on Artificial Intelligence

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26 NOV 2018 Bangalore, Karnataka,

IndiaInfineon and NSRCEL at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen Artificial Intelligence and Software Development ecosystem in India by mentoring and nurturing the early and growth stage startups.

Infineon and NSRCEL at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore have signed a memorandum of understanding(MoU) to strengthen Artificial Intelligence and Software Development ecosystem in India by mentoring and nurturing the early and growth stage startups.

Under the collaboration, Infineon will share problem statements and NSRCEL at IIMB will introduce Infineon to the developer community of NSRCEL to foster joint innovationprojects in Artificial Intelligence and Software Development. The partnership enables Infineon to offer dedicated training, lab facilities and support strategically relevant startups fromNSRCEL with product samples and development kits. Furthermore, Infineon has agreed to provide its technical subject matter experts, as mentors. The partnership also includes introduction of the startups to Infineon’s customers to explore collaboration or business potential and Infineon’sparticipation in NSRCEL events as a speaker or panelist.

Professor G Raghuram, Director, IIM Bangalore, said: “IIMB isvery happy to partner with Infineon, a leading technology company from Germany, in supporting startups. This partnership will be operationalized through NSRCEL, the innovation and entrepreneurial hub of IIMB, and with support from NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission. NSRCEL will now be able to offer incubation to startups in deep dive technology in a meaningful way.”

“Artificial Intelligence unleashes enormous innovation potential in our industry and offers great business opportunities,” saidDr. Reinhard Ploss, CEO of Infineon Technologies AG. “We seeincreasing demand for our energy-efficient power and IT-security solutions, which are a prerequisite for developing A.I.In addition, A.I. opens up a vast array of possible applications for the Internet of Things and Smart Mobility.” Reinhard Plossadded: “We want to accelerate the way we learn about A.I. and identify use cases early on. By working together with NSRCEL and IIM Bangalore, we aim to join forces with India’s innovative entrepreneurs and startups in this field.”

NSRCEL, the center for innovation and entrepreneurship at IIMB, is supported, among others, by the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) of NITI Aayog. Infineon had signed a Statement of Intent with NITI Aayog earlier this year to support the Atal Innovation Mission. NSRCEL also supports academic research to promote a better understanding of the entrepreneurial context and entrepreneurial strategies in the Indian context.