INDIZEL; Engineered to be India’s preferred choice of Automotive Biofuel

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Pune 26 March, 2018: India, today has the second largest road network across the world, pegged at approximately 4.7 mn km.This road network transports more than 60% of all goods in the country and 85 % of Indias total passenger traffic. Cars, buses and trucks are major contributors to road transportation, which has gradually increased over the years with the improvement in connectivity between cities, towns and villages. And ever since its discovery in 1892 and allround availability, diesel fuel over the years became the main backbone of the Indian road transport ecosystem.

However, widespread consumption of diesel fuel also brought alarming facts to the fore, which the country and its people were completely unaware of. In all this, although vehicle engines received upgradations and got empowered, diesel remained what it was at its inception stage.This started taking a toll on the overall performance of the diesel run engines on road. Less torque and power characterized difficulties in accelerating upwards while on the steep landscapes. Extreme temperatures, especially in subzero climates, diesel stumped and startedrendering ignition problems. People at large started facing inconvenience with their diesel run vehicles while on road. Higher running costs with heavy maintenance bills started eating into their pockets.

And adding further to the woes, in the last decade, diesel emerged as a massive pollutant for the environment with high sulphur, hydrocarbon and NOx emissions, thus throwing the health & environmental ecosystem of this country off balance. The situation became such that the air quality in most Indian cities that monitor outdoor air pollution failed to meet WHO guidelines for safe levels and among the worlds 20 most polluted cities in the world, 13 figured in India.

As an immediate corrective step, the Government undertook a preponement drive, making way for vehicle emission standard transition to BS VI in 2018 for Delhi NCR and for the rest of the country by 2020. And while at it, it also became increasing clear that diesel and other fossil fuels are limited and the ones existing can sustain only for a few hundred years. The threat would only keep increasing, unlessthere arises alternative fuels, which are renewable and are not hazardous to the environment. However, in India, the concept of green fuel continued to remain highly futuristic in nature for long until a government directive, encouraging people towards it.

Currently the only bioautomotive diesel fuel in India, Indizel, is a nonpetroleum based renewable superior fuel, that enables low emission and also goes a long way in ensuring sustainable energy. It meets European (EN 590:2013), and BIS (IS 1460)Bharat stage VI strictest fuel quality requirements collating with World Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC Worldwide Fuel Charter) category 4 diesel fuel requirements. Perfected and engineered to suit all diesel engine types, Indizel is meant to awe the country by being seamlessly switchable & can replace diesel in all diesel engines without any engine modification, thus saving cost and effort. Being reverse compatible with diesel in any proportion, Indizel can be easily filled and reversed back too.

Being Euro 6 emission norms compliant, Indizel is the most green and efficient biofuel introduced in the Indian Market and is fully compatible with existing fuel infrastructure, distribution systems and engines. A fuel with higher cetane number(>55 WWFC & EN590: 2013 Standards) as compared to other diesel fuels, Indizel guarantees faster ignition, higher pick up than diesel, great torque and power,increased mileage per litre and lesser noise while on the drive. With a lower cold filter plugging point (<6 degrees WWFC & EN590:2013 Standards), promising smooth ignition even in extreme cold temperatures, Indizel is the future fuel for road transport in India.

Unlike the conventional or other premium fossil diesels which runs engines, Indizel is the most sought after, for its better lubricity and oxidations, thereby enhancing engine life and involvement of low maintenance. A must experience, when on an Indizel drive is the lower distillation point of this biofuel which leads to better emissions and reduction in the tail pipe greenhouse gas emissions to a large extent. Abiding by the BS VI norms, Indizel emits sulphur at a quantity of less than 10 ppm. The reduction in the emission of sulphur, leads to varied environmental benefits as the vehicles emit less polluted smoke. This overall leads to a healthier environment, thus resulting in reduction of health problems.

Mr. Sachin Labde, MD & Cofounder of MEE said Indizel is meant to be experienced as it is the future fuel for the automotive industry. Perfected for all diesel engines, Indizel will gain all round acceptance in no time for it is will maximise the engine performance like never before.”