Indian youngsters arrived in Moscow for the Football for Friendship Programme

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The final events of the Sixth Season of the Gazprom International Children’s social programme Football for Friendship have started in Moscow. 1500 children and adults arrived to the capital of Russia to participate in the global project. This year Football for Friendship united 211 countries and regions of the world. The programme is supported by FIFA, UEFA, the UN, heads of the national football federations, as well as by the representatives of the government institutions. Over 300 journalists of the leading international media will arrive to Moscow for covering the final events of the programme. Rudresh Gaudnour (Young Journalist) and Surya Varikuti (Young Footballer), the selected 12 year old ambassadors from India arrived in Moscow to participate in the Football for Friendship (F4F) Programme.

On the first day, the kids participated in the “International Friendship Camp” where they will undergo a training programme to practice with their team and get used to the playing conditions. They will also be a part of the opening ceremony of the International Friendship Camp.

The young journalists will also start their work in the International Children’s Press Center.

The kids will also be attending “The School of 9 Values” which teaches the kids about the 9 values that F4F stands for.