Frost & Sullivan Launches Acceleration Program for Early Stage and Start-up Organizations

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2 NOV 2018 Mumbai, Maharashtra, India:

Frost & Sullivan has launched an acceleration program called Companies to Action (C2A), to help start-ups tap into global growth opportunities. Through this program, Frost & Sullivan aims to help start-ups gain growth opportunity insights from its renowned research platform which is currently accessed by leading MNCs and agencies globally. Thought leaders from Frost & Sullivan will also take up advisory roles in the selected start-ups, actively engaging with them.

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, has launched an acceleration program called Companies to Action (C2A), to help start-ups tap into global growth opportunities.

Traditionally, Frost & Sullivan has focused on helping large MNCs with their growth strategy and counts over 80% of the global 1000 companies as its clients. Sustaining the growth impetus of start-ups needs practical, value-based programs tailored to their growth stage. Acknowledging this, Frost & Sullivan provides crucial growth support to start-ups with its Companies to Action (C2A) program.

“Our clients in over 60 countries and 14 core industries are always on the lookout for the next hot companies to invest in, partner with, or acquire. C2A would be the perfect platform for both the start-ups and our traditional MNC clients to find their match,” said Aroop Zutshi, Global President & Managing Partner at Frost & Sullivan.

“Through C2A, Frost & Sullivan will help start-ups gain growth opportunity insights from its renowned research platform which is currently accessed by leading MNCs and agencies globally. Frost & Sullivan thought leaders will take up advisory roles in selected start-ups, actively engaging with the start-up in the three linked spheres of ‘Vision and Strategy’, ‘Brand and Demand’, and ‘Technology and IP’”, he added.

Frost & Sullivan is now inviting start-ups to apply for the program by sending their business plans to [email protected] on or before November 20, 2018. For more information on this program, please visit:

Shortlisted start-ups will be invited to a ‘Visionary Innovator’ event where start-ups will be provided a platform to pitch their technology, product or service. Judged by a panel of Frost & Sullivan senior management and prominent VCs, selected start-ups will be invited to be part of the C2A program. In addition to being guided by an advisor from Frost & Sullivan’s senior management team, the final selected start-ups will be given access Frost & Sullivan’s research & leverage its global network to find partners, customers, investors and potential M&A interests.

The first Visionary Innovator event in Bengaluru is scheduled to be held on November 30, 2018. Start-ups from India are encouraged to apply for the Bengaluru event.
About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today’s market participants. For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Contact us. Start the discussion