From Textbooks to Teacups: The Untold Connection of Pune’s Competitive Exam Students

Tea Chai Pune
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Pune, 18th February 2024: In the bustling city of Pune, where time is of the essence, a unique culture has been brewing, and it revolves around the aromatic embrace of tea. Fueled by the stress and solitude faced by students preparing for competitive exams, the tea business in the city has witnessed significant growth, with an annual turnover of approximately Rs 26 crores.

Tea: The Lifeline of Pune’s Aspiring Officers

Mahesh Bade, along with colleagues from ‘MPSC Students’ Right,’ delved into this caffeine-fueled phenomenon, conducting a survey across various parts of Pune. The findings shed light on the profound impact of tea in the lives of students pursuing dreams of becoming officers. Away from home and engrossed in rigorous study routines, these students find solace, relief from stress, and a break from monotony in a humble cup of tea.

Tea, as these students assert, is an unwavering companion. Pune, known for adopting and cherishing culinary delights, has witnessed a similar fervor for tea. In the past, Amrittulya or Irani, Udpi tea hotels were iconic places for tea aficionados. Though the traditional Amrittulya Bhuvan is not as prevalent today, remnants of its essence are still visible.

Tea in the Branding Era

With the current era spotlighting branding, the competitive exam landscape, teeming with lakhs of students, has become a focal point for the tea business. The students, consuming tea at least twice a day, contribute significantly to the thriving tea culture. Realizing the needs of these students, businesses have blossomed, providing them with not just a beverage but an experience.

Some students, after facing the challenges of competitive exams and residing in Pune for extended periods, find inspiration to venture into entrepreneurship. Whether through opening their own tea shops or investing in established franchises, these young minds have tapped into the tea culture, creating their brands and generating substantial income.

Survey Highlights: Competitive Exam Students Fueling Tea Business Growth

– Annual Turnover: Around 26 Crores.
– Number of Students: More than 1 lakh.
– Tea-Drinking Students: More than 60 thousand.
– Amount of Tea: At least two times a day.
– Average Price of Tea: 6 rupees cutting.
– Cups Sold Daily: 1 lakh 20 thousand.
– Daily Turnover: 7 lakh 20 thousand.
– Monthly Turnover: 2 crores 16 lakhs.
– Annual Turnover: 25 crores 92 lakhs.

Tea Culture in Pune: A Social Experience

In the bustling Peths of Pune and expanding to other areas, tea shops witness a surge in customers, mainly between 11 AM and 4 PM and 7 PM. The student community significantly contributes to the thriving tea business, making these establishments their preferred haunts. The economic turnover of the tea business, owing to the extensive student population, prompted Bade and his team to conduct a survey across 19 locations in the city, shedding light on the symbiotic relationship between Pune’s aspiring officers and their beloved cups of tea.