Fire-fighters have right to cut power and water of a housing society

Pune Fire Brigade
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Pune, January 23, 2021: According to the new amendment in the ‘Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Live Safety Management Act 2006’, the fire-brigade department has every right to cut the water and power supply of a housing society, if it fails to provide the fire safety of the building.


The majority of times, the housing societies or commercial buildings install the safety measurements to obtain the completion certificate. Once the building gets the completion certificate, the fire safety equipments are neglected by the members.


Likewise, according to the 2006 amendment of the Fire safety laws, it is mandatory for the societies to present the fire audit report to the fire-brigade. And if the fire-brigade saw any society violating the fire safety norms, then, it has every right to take action against them.


Chief fire officer Prashant Ranpise said, “considering the rising number of fire incidents, it is necessary for various buildings and commercial officers to conduct the fire safety audit from the registered agencies. And if they have any query related to it, then they can contact the fire-brigade department.


Meanwhile, the fire safety audit has once again came to the fore after the Serum Institute of India lost five of its workers besides Rs 1000 crore to the fire two days ago.