Fergusson College
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By Devina Karnik

The Bachelor of Arts course of the well-known Fergusson College in Deccan, Pune will be conducting their annual departmental fest on the 29th and 30th of December, 2015from 10am-6pm in college campus. With loads of exciting events and prizes in stack, this is something you wouldn’t want to miss! In alphabetical order, here is what is in store for you during the two days :-


The department of History has decided to take up on a different theme this year and hence the theme this year is, ‘History of Music’.

The volunteers have organised two documentaries; a) History and types of music b) A tribute to the musical maestros. Many games related to music are also going to be held by the fest volunteers.

However, the highlight of this fest is the two concerts which are organised. Respected classical singer, Mrs. Devaki Pandit and an instrumental Indie by violinist,  Mr. Anic Prabhu are set to perform.

A soul music therapy is also being organised by the managing team where one can just relax listening to music. Antiquarians’15 quote, ‘Music is all around you, all you got to do is listen.’


Over the years the subject of Psychology has spread like wild fire, increasing its demand but also evoking misconceptions about this advancing field. Some take it as a form of telepathic connection whereas some refer to the mentally disabled. With an aim to change this paradigm, one of the oldest departments in the college, Department of Psychology brings to you their annual departmental fest, ‘Psy-fy’.

Psy-fy’15 brings to you, “The UnderLIEing Motive”. Events such as ‘Murder she wrote’, a crime solving mystery and a photo scavenger hunt, ‘Now you see me’ will keep you on the look. For all the budding artists, an on the spot themed Mural painting competition and for the shutterbugs, a themed photography competition, ‘Frames of mind’ is also in store. For all the movie lovers, a Quiz based on psychological thrillers is also awaiting you.Gracing with his presence, Dr. B. Shukla will shed some light on the ‘Genetic and Environment- Whys and Hows of our behaviour’.


Philosophy questions art and what makes good art and Tattva’15 will sort of play on this theme by involving all sorts of artists, hence the theme this year is ‘Art’.

The event, Symposium will give the participants a chance to be their favourite artist and explain their way of life. An open music jam will let musicians come together and create music at that very moment. Creative writing, painting event, photo exhibit, debate and quizzes related to the theme are also being organised by the volunteers of Tattva’15.


wallsteetEconomics is generally thought of a money-oriented and a boring subject but the team of Wallstreet’15 are determined to break this stereotype and make you explore the fun side of this subject.

Based on the theme, ‘Exploring the Unobvious’, the volunteers of this fest are trying to inculcate more interest about this subject amongst the students. Event based on the popular series of ‘Game of Thrones’ is offered by Wallstreet’15. If you wish to test yourself in the world of stock market, MockStock an event which is a simulation of the stock market is the right place to be. Moreover, a Quiz and Debate are also in store plus an obstacle race game called the Jugaad and the showstopper, The Wallstreet Roast are all in store just for you.


words worthThis year, the department of English has introduced an event for all the Potterheads out there. N.E.W.T.’S is the event where you can actually test yourself and find out if you are worthy of being qualified as a witch or wizard and if
you can be a student of the place you’ve dreamt of studying all along, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! All the Potterheads out there, look out for this one!

More in store, the department has organised an event, ‘Elementary’ which will bring out the detective in you. A poetry slam, a creative writing competition, just a minute session and an event inspired by Japanese poetry, ‘Can you Haiku?’.

The them this year, thinking “Out Of The Box” and the mascot – Luna Lovegood, the weird and funky character from the Harry Potter fandom is all in store by Words’Worh’15.


ANTIQUARIANSQurom promises to provide a platform for an exchange of social, political an cultural ideologies by hosting a series of competitions, lectures, discussions and interviews with distinguished personalities.

Qurom’15 will be be visited by distinguished people in their field. Mr. Vishwas Patil, an IAS officer and writer will be interviewed about his novels and bureaucracy tenure. Mr. Rajeev Satav, a well-known politician. Mr. Harshad Nimbalkar, a respected lawyer and Mr. Prasanna Joshi, a expert journalist will be bestowing their knowledge about the Indian Democracy. Social activist, Vidya Baal and drama director, Atul Pethe will be discussing topics like feminism and caste issues.

Qurom’15 is also conducting a Quiz based on general knowledge, the Qurom Quiz. If you’re aspiring to crack the UPSC exam, Qurom’15 offers you their event, QPSC which will give you an opportunity to give the exam on a primary level. ‘Mandate manufacture’ is a mock parliamentary debate where students will form their own political parties, assign it a name, symbol and an ideology and then debate on a controversial bill and an intellectual bill.

So, all those aspiring for a carrier in politics, you all know where to be this month end.


vividhaVividha’15 is based on the principle of celebrating diversity and hence the theme, ‘Indifference’.

Vividha’15 strongly believes that problem faced by an individual is just not his or her problem but, actually affects the entire society. Our society often blames each other for various issues but refrains from putting effort in trying to change the situation. And Vividha’15 hopes to throw some light on these common issues faced in our society.

With an effort to combine academics and fun, Vividha’15 brings you events like ‘Filmy Sociology’,’Turn Court’, a debate and many more.

So, there is an action-packed month end for you and we hope to see you at the Fergusson College campus in Deccan, Pune on the 29th and 30th of December, 2015. These are the quests for creative and well-read students. If you are not one of them and feel difficulties even with regular studies, college paper writing service is what you need. You can get ready assignments from them, or partial help with your homework.