Early Childhood Association kick starts skill development training for support staff of pre school

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Pune, July 2, 2018: Pre school teachers, support staff and parents makes an ecosystem for the proper nurturing and upbringing of young toddlers. Early Childhood Association (ECA) for the first time in India kick starts skill development training for support staff of pre school. This initiative is recently introduced in Pune.

Support staff – maids, nannies and security personnel also play vital role in raising these children. ECA has tried to touch that basic concern of upbringing which is often neglected, by providing special training session for the care givers.

Swati Popat Vats, President, ECA expressed that this special training took place in Pune with the help of Aditya Tapadia, ECA’s territory head, Pune region at Symbiosis Vishwabhavan. “More than 500 support staff across the state participated in this training festival Early Childhood Association, Pune Edufest. After looking at the overwhelming response we further plan to implement this training across all over India. The training will soon commence in Bangalore and Mumbai,” she stated.

Adding further Vats said, “Training of these Pre-school teachers and support staff is a must as they along with parents are equally responsible for development of children at the crucial age of 0-6 years. Whereas the training of teachers and support staff never took recognition. To fill this gap ECA, an NGO kick started in 2011 with the perspective to train these pre-school teachers.”

Tapadia stated, Swati Popat Vats actively participated in the workshop and enlightened the participants with her guidance. She emphasized on the health and hygiene of the support staff along with touching other key points like behavior with toddlers, how to feed them, usage and importance of hand gloves. He further said, “0-6 is the age group which help in shaping the mindset of a children. Parents along with teachers must ensure that they are born and brought up in the best possible manner.”

Since 2011 this non-profit organisation used to train the pre-school teachers and from last 1 year it was training parents too. Also, ECA, and First Mom’s club jointly organizes Parents Café, free workshops for the parents. The workshop is conducted once in every 2 months for the interested parents. 6 such workshop were successfully run by ECA in the respective 1 year.

ECA helps train Anganwadi sevikas of Anganwadi’s adopted by three NGO’s namely Life Trust, CHIP, and Save the Children India. It is mostly conducted in Telangana and Maharashtra region and has tried to train more than 5000 care givers till now.