Dr. Harsh Vardhan to lead the Indian delegation in the Mission Innovation Ministerial 

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Union Minister for Science & Technology, Earth Sciences, Environment, Forests and Climate Change Dr. Harsh Vardhan will be leading an Indian delegation for participation in the Mission Innovation Ministerial being held at Malmo-Sweden during 22-23 May, 2018.

Mission Innovation is a global platform of 23 countries and European Union aimed at accelerating clean energy innovations through enhanced Government funding, greater public-private sector partnership and enhanced global cooperation. India is founding member of Mission Innovation and part of the Steering Committee besides co-lead of innovation challenges on smart grids, off grids and sustainable bio-fuels. During the visit, Minister will show case India’s commitment to clean energy through research, development and demonstration programmes initiated in partnership with Mission Innovation countries in various domains of clean energy. The Minister will also explore opportunities for research cooperation with Mission Innovation countries for affordable clean energy innovations. Besides participation in Mission Innovation Ministerial, Dr Harsh vardhan will also hold bilateral meetings with his counter parts from Denmark, Sweden, Canada and European Commission.