CII Conclave to focus on healthcare

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Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organizing the Premier edition of its flagship event ‘Healthcare Conclave’ in Mumbai on Wednesday, 23rd August. Through this Conclave, CII will look to divulge into the changing ideas and schemes of the Healthcare Industry. The Conclave is being supported by The Ministry of Public Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Medical Education, Government of Maharashtra.United Kingdom Trade & Investment (UKTI) is also supporting the Conclave as Country Partner.



Joy Chakraborty, Chairman CII WR Health acre Conclave, Chairman CII Core Group on Healthcare and Chief Operating Officer, PD Hinduja Hospital, citing the significance of the Conclave says “Healthcare sector is undergoing a major transition where a significant percentage of healthcare spent is in private sector and good proportion of the same is out of pocket too. Recent National Health Policy (2017) has addressed and highlighted several dimensions where private and public player can work together in a healthy ecosystem and deliver best outcome for the population of the country. In this Conclave we, stakeholders in healthcare sector, will address all these upcoming areas which will make healthcare healthier and better in coming days”



Dr Deepak Sawant the Hon’ble Minister of Public Health and Family Welfare is theChief Guest and will be delivering Inaugural Address at this all important Conclave.Shri. Sudhir Sachchidanand Mungantiwar Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Planning, & Forest, Government of Maharashtra, will be the Guest of Honour at the Inaugural Session of the Conclave. Shri Girish Mahajan, Hon’ble Minister of Medical Education, Water Resources and Command Area Development, Government of Maharashtra will be joining as a Chief Guest at the Valedictory session.Vishwanath P. Mahadeshwar, the Mayor of Mumbai has kindly consented to join the Valedictory session of the Conclave to deliver a Key Note Address. Mr Collin Wills,British Deputy High Commissioner, is also addressing the Inaugural Session of the Conclave to provide the UK perspective to Healthcare in India.



Apart from the Inaugural Session, following Panel Discussions will form part of the Conclave:


·       Public Private Partnership

·       Insurance – Last Mile

·       Digital Healthcare

·       Primary Healthcare and Wellness

·       Imperatives for hospitals in changing operating context


Healthcare in India has evolved significantly in its character since 2000. There have been many changes including, private healthcare evolving to play a significant role in healthcare delivery, government changing its role from not only a provider of healthcare services but also a financier through many government sponsored health insurance schemes which in different ways and extent cover almost 25% of India’s population, government running missions to eradicate polio and address health issues of national importance and also investing heavily in significantly improving public healthcare infrastructure especially in rural areas. Added to it, the sector has seen significant investment interest from private equity, public offerings and entrepreneurs.


At the same time, the operating context has changed significantly with emerging need of making healthcare affordable, technology enabling healthcare which was not possible earlier, rising consumerism in healthcare and disease profile changing towards chronic. These require a relook at the way the healthcare is to be delivered in the coming years so that we are able to maximize the opportunity which evolving times and context have provided.


After much deliberation, the National Health Policy 2017, has outlined a strategic direction in which the government expects healthcare to evolve. This conclave shall deliberate on key features of the policy and discuss in detail five key themes. Core of the discussions shall rest on how to take the policy towards actions and what could be the recommendations for the concerned stakeholders


Thus the theme….”National Health Policy – A New Era in Healthcare”


Key take away for the participants shall include


·       National Health Policy interpreted by the experts

·       Views of experts on how the policy can be put into action and what should those actions be

·       Emerging imperatives for players in the healthcare ecosystem and what they can do to realign their business models going forward

·       Opportunity to network and share views with peers, experts and leaders of the industry


The Conclave will explore the realms of Healthcare and how the new National Health Policy with help in shaping the future of Healthcare and make it more accessible and affordable.


Looking at the vast Healthcare Industry and its allies the Conclave will aim to over 250 delegates including Professionals from Insurance & Re-Insurance Organizations; Decision/ Policy makers (Public / Private Insurance & Health Insurance Companies); CEO’s from the Public & Private Hospitals;  TPA’s Insurance Brokers / Agents; Doctors/ Medical Associations; Banks: Public & Private; Venture Capitalists & Private Equity firms; NGO’s in the Healthcare Insurance Space, Academia and Research Scholars Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies; Consultants/ Planners / Marketing & PR;Public & Private Sector organizations / PPP’s; IT / ITES / BPO’s / KPO’s; MSME’s / SME’s and Entrepreneurs; Not for Profit / Non Profit; Pharma / Healthcare / Providers and any other company or person even remotely related to the Healthcare industry.