BSE StAR MF crossed 10000 Mutual Funds Distributors registrations

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Mumbai, June 27, 2018: BSE StAR MF crossed 10000 MFD registration; adding over 1500 new Distributors per month; overall distribution network of over 2 lakh in over 3000 towns across India.

Mutual funds distributors are lapping up BSE StAR MF, India’s largest mutual funds distribution Infrastructure at a brisk pace. BSE StAR MF distribution reach and network has grown over 10500 registered distributors (Mutual Funds Distributors ( MFD) / Mutual Funds Intermediaries ( MFI) / Registered Investment Advisors ( RIA) ) and over 200,000 considering the employees and business associates of registered distributors on its network in over 3,000 towns across India.

Speaking on the occasion, MD & CEO of BSE, Ashishkumar Chauhan said “BSE has successfully created a digital democracy that is redefining the mutual funds distribution in India. BSE StAR MF is the most neutral infrastructure for all stakeholders in Mutual Funds distribution ecosystem, be it Investors, Distributors, AMCs, RTAs etc., without any conflict of Interest.”

BSE StAR MF has experienced a growth of over 540 % in last 2 years, processing over 25 lakh transactions per month (Equivalent to 78% of the annual transactions of FY 15-16)

On June 11, 2018, BSE processed over 4.72 lakh transactions on a single day, a record high. BSE StAR MF infrastructure added more than 1.85 lakh New SIPs in Month of May 2018 i.e. 26% of the total new SIPs added my MF Industry.

More than 99 % of transactions on BSE StAR MF are in retail category, StAR MF now contributes over 50% of net new inflows (Lumpsum and New SIPs) in equity schemes under retail category.