Baby Yildiz Won’t Be Able To Make It Past Her 1st Birthday Without Your Help!

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Mehab Qureshi

Pune, January 3, 2020: Life can be difficult, especially when you’re a foreigner in any country. Arif ul Haq Poya (25), an Afghani student studying MBA from Goa University has a 5-month-old daughter Yildiz who has been diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disorder, one of the most severe cases of heart defect. The disorder attacks the normal way the heart works, and only surgery can increase the life expectancy of the 5-month-old child.

As the disorder progresses, a blue tinge to the skin, rapid breathing and shortness of breath can be easily seen. It has made it extremely difficult for her to carry out even basic activities such as sit up, lift her head, swallow milk and it gets worse every day.

“She was born with this problem and doctors gave up on her condition and said that she might not survive but as a father, I couldn’t let my daughter go so easily. The moment I saw her sparkling eyes, I just knew it, I would do anything to save her”, he said.

Giving up on the situation, Goa Medical College (GMC) asked Arif to let his daughter rest in peace or get three major surgeries done at a private hospital. However, the father didn’t give up and took his daughter home. “I spoke to my friends and relatives about this and wept but I was helpless, many assured that they will help me but none actually did”, he said.

Arif gets Rs 25,000 stipend from Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) which only suffices his basic needs which includes his rent, medicines and other expenses. “I don’t have any savings and whatever I have, I have spent it on the medical tests”, he added.

What can you do?
As of now, there are no treatment options available but only these 3 major surgeries can make a difference. These surgeries will cost Rs 4 lakh lump sum. Please donate with your heart so that we can save baby Yildiz.

Account Name-Arif ul Haq Poya
Bank Name-State Bank Of India
Account Number-38527188709
Account Type-Savings

A small donation from your side can help baby Yildiz smile again. To get in touch with Arif, please connect on  +917385195138.