Aundh-Bopodi Residents Complain Of Mosquito Menace, Demands Immediate Removal of Hyacinth

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Pune, March 14, 2021: Residents of Aundh are furious as the uncontrollable growth of water hyacinth in the Mula-Mutha river in Bopodi has made the area a breeding spot for mosquitoes.


Closing windows before sunset, applying mosquito repellent, using mosquito nets have become a part of the daily routine for Aundh residents. Despite taking a counterintuitive measure, controlling mosquito biting seems to be impossible.


The failure to check the uncontrolled hyacinth in the water body is what leads to mosquito menace in the area, claimed many residents of Aundh.


Ritesh Kalvellu, 25, resident of Aundh road said, “Worrying about covid wasn’t enough that we now have to protect ourselves from malaria and other diseases which are spread through these small vampires. Just like everything else the government doesn’t seem to care about the increasing count of mosquitoes, and to date no action is being taken against this situation.”


Local resident Akshay Golellu said that he hasn’t had a good sleep for many nights.”Since last week, I have had sleepless nights. Mosquitoes still bite despite using many mosquito repellents. I don’t know what would be effective against them. I could just hope that if this issue is resolved or if somehow these mosquitoes disappear in the coming days then without a doubt I would get to sleep like a baby”.


Uma Gadgil, a resident of Baner has raised several complaints with Pune Municipal Corporation. However, none of them were taken into consideration.”I stay in Park Marina building on Jupiter hospital rd, there is a construction site next to my building. On the ground floor, a lot of water has been accumulated because of which there is a menace of mosquitoes in our area. Last three years I have been after them to clear that water. Registered many complaints with PMC but still, they haven’t found any solution for this”, she added.


Aneesh Thomas, resident of Bopodi’s Chikhalwadi said, “The problem of mosquitoes has increased rapidly in my are Mosquitoes carry serious diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever. These diseases spread quickly from one person to the next. Request PMC to look into the matter and take necessary action to solve the problem of mosquitoes”.


Another resident Navneet Bharandiwal, said, “Due to the increase of mosquitoes in our area we are unable to sleep properly at night as they buzz near the ears, their bite creates a rash on the skin which is very itchy. To prevent it I use mosquito repellent roll-on on my clothes as the cream doesn’t suit my skin, close all window after 6:30 pm but still they make their way in the house, I use an electronic racket to kill them but as they are multiplying in huge numbers what can we do as no alternative or remedies useful”.


Punekar News Reaches Out to Authorities

When asked Jaydeep Pawar, Assistant Municipal Commissioner Aundh Baner Ward he stated that he was aware of this issue and is looking into this matter with diligence. “We are working on this issue and will get this done soon with the help of the insect department”, he said.


Sharing her thoughts on this PMC Aundh-Bopodi Corporator Sunita Wadekar said, ” We are aware of this issue and have already started working with authorities so that the hyacinth is cleared. PMC does not have the required manpower as well to get this done. However, we are in talks with PMC Commissioner Vikram Kumar. We will ensure that within the next 8 days this issue will be resolved”.