A Tale of Hope: Pune’s AAP Members and Community Join Forces to Save a Life

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Pune, 30th November 2023: In a tale of community solidarity and swift humanitarian action, Anne Anish, a devoted member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), played a pivotal role in the life-saving journey of Pinky (name changed) on the night of November 8th.

The distress call from Fr. Maria Sobu, urgently seeking help for Pinky’s critical condition at YCM Hospital in Pimpri, triggered a rapid response from Anne Anish and AAP members Dr. Abhijit More and Dr. Abhijit Bagade. The severity of Pinky’s condition, diagnosed with sepsis, necessitated immediate and specialized care beyond the capabilities of YCM Hospital.

A prompt decision was made to transfer Pinky to Ruby Hall Hospital, where Dr. Prachee Sathe and Nancy Marian ensured her swift admission and the initiation of life-saving procedures. Remarkably, this critical care was provided without the burden of any initial deposits, solely on humanitarian grounds.

Challenges arose as financial constraints loomed over the dire medical emergency. However, a donation drive, exceeding Rs. 6.5 lakhs, unfolded, supported by generous contributions from various quarters. Centhil Iyer, AAP’s Vice President, Cibi Varghese from Sakal Times, and crucial backing from Bishop Mar Antonios of St. Mary’s Cathedral Khadki, among others, played pivotal roles in mobilizing funds for Pinky’s treatment.

Anne Anish, along with her husband Anish Varghese and Sanjay Kone from the AAP Pune team, worked tirelessly to arrange necessary documentation and income certificates from Chandrapur. Dr. Prachee Sathe’s recommendations, combined with Dr. Bhavika’s benevolent aid and the support of Ruby Hall’s entire management, facilitated Pinky’s categorization under the IPF (Indigent Patient Fund) for cost-free treatment.

Special acknowledgment is extended to Dr. Purvez Grant, managing trustee, and Behram Khodaiji, the CEO at Ruby Hall Clinic Pune, for considering Preeti under the IPF category. Gratitude is also expressed to Dr. Prasad Muglikar (Director of Medical Services), Manoj Srivastava (Billing HOD), and Poonam for their unwavering support.

Today, with the combined efforts of these compassionate individuals and organizations, Pinky’s health has significantly improved, leading to her transfer to the ward for further care and recovery.