A film or technology with accurate approach can inspire people to think and find solutions to problems

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Pune, September 5, 2021: Kerstin Rickermann, a film-maker from Germany and director of London-based Glocal Films feels that a film made with an accurate approach may inspire people to think and find solutions to societal problems.

Rickermann, expressing her views on conventional filmography stated that film-making should not be limited to classroom activities but a collaborative work in which students can express themselves and create awareness jointly. She was speaking during a film seminar called ‘How to Engage Young People on Gender/Masculinity Discussions’ by Glocal Films. The seminar was held during an online International Conference titled M3: Man, Male, Masculine organized by the Goethe-Institutes in India and Bangladesh on September 3 and 4 with an objective to discuss current visions of masculinity across the gender spectrum in India and Bangladesh through various discursive, cultural and educational activities.

Rickermann was involved in making a participatory video project on the topic of gender equality and human rights with students around the world, which were shot in Mali, India and Bangladesh. In India, the films were shot in Delhi and Kolkata.

“Gender equality is a known subject but it is not discussed in private or in the family. A film on the subject enabled people to think and find solutions, understand that women are not private property and how new laws are needed to be enforced. We have to involve more youth and need a tool to create and implement the knowledge rather than just discuss,” Rickermann said.

In the second session, Pune-based Anokhi Shah, Architect, Curator, Educator, and founder of IOVR, an interdisciplinary design research startup expressed her views on the Video Game industry, which is undergoing ‘technological and gender revolution’.

“Video Game industry has always been a male dominated industry but now the times are changing with women who are increasingly spanning across various sectors in the gaming industry. The number of women designing, developing and participating in video games is increasing all over the world,” she said during a talk session on Gaming and Masculinity.

“However, in India, it is hard to find a female game enthusiast as there is a shortage in talent. Indian women don’t know where to begin. Women need to get in touch with gaming experts and start playing to beat gender stereotypes,”added Shah.

While sharing the history of video gaming starting from 1978, Shah stated that gaming has seen modernism and innovation in various forms and with the introduction of the internet there has been an augmentation in graphics, sounds and special effects in the games.