CREDAI Maha to Undertake Urban Forestation

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Pune, 8th June 2021: PUNE- CREDAI Maharashtra has initiated its ambitious plan of planting 2 lakh plants on the occasion of Environment Day. Under the same, each member has pledged to plant at least 50 plants of locally grown species wherever they are located throughout the state. Within three days 15,000 plants of 8-10 ft height have been planted. This would lead to Urban Forestation thus increasing the green cover of the respective city, informed Sunil Furde, CREDAI Maharashtra President.


“Total 38 cities are participating in this plan. Plants like Acacia Leucophloea, Aegle Marmelos, Actinodaphne Augustifolia, Ailanthus Excelsa, Albizia Lebbeck, Azadirachta Indica, Bauhinia Racemosa, Cordaio Dicchotoma, Diospyruos Melanoxylon to name a few will be planted preferably on both sides of roads as they are sturdy, grows with less care and gives ample shade. he added.


“Our aim is to make an impact and hence we are putting in sincere efforts towards Urban Forestation. We have complete guidelines in place so planting is just one step, taking care and helping trees grow without getting destroyed by external factors will also be taken care of.


Corona has taught us a hard lesson when people literally struggled to get oxygen cylinders for normal breathing. It was a great realization that Mother Nature has given us oxygen free of cost. But we humans turned greedy and continued tree cuttings for self-benefit. The environment suffered a lot but being responsible humans we need to pay back to her through such drives, opined Furde.