Today’s Middle East is not the Arab world- Prof. Asher Susser

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Pune, May 3, 2019: ‘‘Middle East of 21st century is not the Arab world as it is used to be. Arab countries have declined economically, politically and also in terms of their power in the region. This is due to lack of political freedom, deficit of first world education and gender equality.’’ Said Prof. Asher Susser, Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern History at Tel Aviv University.

He was speaking in a lecture in Pune on the topic ‘Israel, Iran and the Arabs; The Middle East of the 21st Century’. The programme was organized by Pune international Centre (PIC), Ananta Aspen Centre, Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and Tel Aviv University. Amb. Gautam Bambawale, Indian Diplomat and Former Indian Ambassador to China and Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan, Prashant Girbane, Director, PIC, Sujith Haridas of Ananta Aspen Centre were present among the dignitaries.

Susser said, ‘‘Arab spring is the expression of the lack of hope from the young people who are not able to see any future for them. For them, after childhood comes the boyhood and it is followed by waiting. Waiting for decent education and job. None of which is about to happen.’’

He also mentioned that the lack of political freedom and first world education system creates lack of innovation. ‘‘As there is traditional objection to women on working, half of the population doesn’t work and that impacts the economic situation. If the women are less educated, it leads to large families. Over 5 percent of the world population resides in Arab countries, while 37 percent of the world refugees are in these countries. Arab society is deeply divided in political Islam and it is weakening the Arab world states.’’ Said Susser.

Susser summed up that the term Middle East is coined by the outsiders and now it has to be given a new thought.

Talking about ISIS Susser said it is internationally extremely dangerous. ‘‘ISIS happens to be the source of inspiration for the international terrorism and its capacity to engage in terrorism is large than its military power or regional existence. We (Israel) have fought terrorism fairly good because of our outstanding intelligence services. The nations should cooperate with each other to make the best use of intelligence power. ’’

After the programme, while speaking to the media, Bambawale talked about UN formally naming JeM chief Masood Azhar as global terrorist. Bambawale said , ‘‘It is a big diplomatic victory for India and our friends and partners like France, US and UK who have helped us a lot in getting this designation done. But we must also be realistic. This is only one battle. There is a larger war against terrorism and the cross border terrorism. In order to win that war, we will need to continue to do things like this. Even if China opposes certain things that we want to do, there are ways to outflank China and China agreeing for designating Masood Azhar as global terrorist is a lesson in diplomacy for all of us.’’