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            In order to prevent the incidents ofstreet crimes, patrolling and checking in the areas of West District wasintensified.  Special Teams ofspecialized police personnel were also formed in all the police stations tokeep a vigil in the area and ensure prompt legal action against the miscreants.

            Due to effective patrolling andmeaningful checking conducted in the area, Punjabi Bagh Police have arrested 03 desperate and active snatchersin two different operations and recovered02 stolen motorcycles and 03 snatched/stolen mobile phonesfrom theirpossession.



  1.        Ranjeet @ Gyanu @ Hira age 35years R/o Mangol Puri         Delhi(Incident– I)

  1.        Sarwan Kumar age 19 years R/oJhuggi Cement Siding           Shakurbasti,New Delhi (Incident – II)
  2. Saddam age 19 years R/o Jhuggi CementSiding          Shakurbasti, New Delhi (Incident – II)


  • OnePulsar black colour motorcycle No. DL-9SBA-4905 black colour
  • OneYamaha red colour motorcycle No. DL-10-SR-8062
  • OneVivo Mobile Phone
  • OneOppo Mobile Phone
  • OneRedme mobile phone

Cases worked out:

  1. FIR  No 641/18 dt 14/11/18 u/s 356/379/34 IPC PSPunjabi Bagh(Incident-I)
  2. FIR  No 642/18 dt 14/11/18 u/s 356/379/411/34 IPCPS Punjabi Bagh


  1. E-FIR  No 29286/18 u/s 379 IPC PS Rani Bagh(Incident-I)
  2. EFIR No 41333/17 u/s 379 IPC PS Mangol Puri (Incident – II)
  3. EFIR No 375/18 u/s 379/411 IPC PS Punjabi Bagh (Incident – II)

Previous involvementof accused Ranjeet @ Gyanu @ Hira:

(1)              FIRNo 355/15 u/s 393/397 IPC PS Prashant Vihar

(2)              FIRNo 609/15 u/s 379/411/34 IPC PS Prashant Vihar

(3)              FIRNo 573/15 u/s 379 IPC PS Prashant Vihar

(4)              FIRNo 227/04  u/s 25 Arm Act PS PrashantVihar

(5)              FIRNo 500/14  u/s 379 IPC PS Mangol Puri

(6)              FIRNo 865/14  u/s 379/411 IPC PS Mangol Puri

(7)              FIRNo 1280/14  u/s 379/356/34 IPC PS MangolPuri

(8)              FIRNo 522/17  u/s 379 IPC PS Mangol Puri

(9)              FIRNo 913/14  u/s 33 Delhi Excise Act PSMangol Puri

(10)          E-FIRNo WD-MIN-00015/18 u/s 379/34 IPC E Police Station

(11)          E-FIRNo WD-MIN-00042/18 u/s 379/34 IPC E Police Station

(12)          E-FIRNo WD-MIN-00045/18 u/s 379/34 IPC E Police Station

(13)          E-FIRNo WD-MIN-00047/18 u/s 379 IPC E Police Station

(14)          E-FIRNo WD-MIN-00056/18 u/s 379 IPC E Police Station

(15)          E-FIRNo WD-MIN-00057/18 u/s 379/34 IPC E Police Station


            Shri Kuldeep Yadav reported that on13.11.18 at about 8 pm when he reached near Saraswati Shishu Mandir, twopersons on a motorcycle bearing number DL-8S-SR-8064 black colour came andsnatched his mobile phone and tried to flee but he caught one of the snatchers.  SI Baljor and Const. Devender, who wereconducting patrolling in the nearby area, also reached the spot immediately andapprehended the accused.  Oninterrogation, the accused was identified as Ranjeet @ Gyanu @ Hira R/o MangolPuri Delhi. On the statement of Kuldeep Yadav, a case vide FIR No 642/18 u/s356/379/411/34 IPC was registered and investigation taken up.

            During interrogation, accusedRanjeet disclosed that he alongwith his accomplice Kalu has committed severalincidents of snatching and theft in various parts of Delhi. Duringinvestigation the number plate fixed on the motorcycle being used in commissionof crime was found to be fake.  Theoriginal number of the motorcycle was found to be DL-10-SR-8062 and the samewas found to be stolen from the area of PS Rani Bagh vide E-FIR No 029286/18.   One more mobile phone, snatched two hours agoby the accused persons from the area of Punjabi Bagh, has also been recoveredfrom his possession (FIR No. 641/18  u/s356/379/34 IPC PS Punjabi Bagh).  Raidsare being conducted to arrest his accomplice Kalu.




            In order to keep check on theincidents of snatching, theft, burglary etc., a special police team comprisingof ASI Narender, ASI Naresh, HC Rishiraj & Const. Satpal  was constituted under the leadership of Inspr.Vinay Malik, SHO/Punjabi Bagh and overall supervision of Shri Raman Kumar Lamba,  ACP/Punjabi Bagh. On receipt of a secretinformation, the team swung into action and after laying a trap arrested two accusedpersons viz. Sarwan Kumar R/o Jhuggi Cement Siding Shakurbasti and Saddam R/oJhuggi Cement Siding Shakurbasti from a place near Club Road, Punjabi.  The motorcycle No. DL-9SBA-4905 being used bythe accused persons in commission of crime, was found to be stolen vide FIR No. 41333/18 dated 27.12.17 PS MangolPuri Delhi. On personal search of accused Sharvan Kumar, one Oppo mobile phonewas recovered, which was found to be stolen vide E-FIR No WD-PB-000375/18 PSPunjabi Bagh.


            Investigationis in progress and efforts are being made to ascertain their other involvementsand to arrest the absconding accused. Staff who have done the above good work are being rewarded suitably.