Vicks announces #TouchOfCare fund: Gauri Sawant to be the First Recipient

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Vicks, India’s leading Cough & Cold brand, has now set up a fund to honor extraordinary stories of care that have emerged beyond the conventional family ties. Gauri Sawant, the transgender protagonist of the critically acclaimed digital film on Touch of Care will be the first recipient of the fund, for taking under her wing an abandoned child and giving her a respectable life and education. The funds received from the brand will be used by her to build ‘Nani Ka Ghar’, a home for the children who are in need

Vicks, the brand that has been synonymous with care globally for generations, aims to launch the Touch of Care fund as an effort to recognize and acknowledge extraordinary acts of care that have transformed someone’s life. The fund wishes to serve as an inspiration to others by giving monetary assistance to powerful stories of care that have emerged under extreme conditions.

Commenting on the launch of the #TouchofCare Fund, Ms. Ritu Mittal, Brand Manager, Vicks says,“Vicks has been in India for over 50 years and it has been trusted by generations to touch lives and provide care for families in India. We started this campaign as a medium to bring to life the stories that personify care and the people whohave stepped beyond their bounds to make a difference. The success of this campaign is overwhelming with the number of lives it has touchedand we wish to continue in this endeavor through the launch of our #TouchofCare Fund. This is our way of saying thank you for making the world a better place to live in.“

Vicks, a brand true to its belief, has been making quality products and improving people’s lives for over 50 years in India. As an attempt to redefine the meaning of ‘care’, the brand launched their campaign #Touchofcare last year, highlighting the idea that ‘Everyone deserves the touch of care’ with the story of Gauri Sawant and her daughter.

“Vicks #TouchOfCare has helped me narrate my story to the world – familiarizing the world with my identity as a mother. It has let people see that motherhood is independent of gender and the support that I have received from the various people and organisation is testimony to it. Now, with the help of Vicks #TouchOfCare fund, I will be able to give care and shelter to the abandoned and neglected children through ‘Nani ka Ghar’. I will always be grateful to Vicks for helping me realize this dream. I hope that this fund will enable many more to spread care to those who are in need of it”, opines Gauri Sawant, the #TouchofCare Mom.