Award for architecture student of BNCA in memory of renowned Architect Nandini Sapre

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Pune 29 June 2018: An award in memory of renowned Architect and Desginer Late Nandini Sapre has been announced by her family members. The award will be given to one student at a special function on 6th July 2018 at Dr Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women ( BNCA ) at 10.30 am at the hands of Chief Guest and VC SPPU Dr Nitin Karmalkar . This information was given at a Press Conference by Dr Anurag kashyap , Principal BNCA and Prof Shruti Joshi .

Dr Anurag Kashyap , Principal BNCA said that a competition was held to decide the winner for this award. The family of Nandini Sapre intends to give a prize of 1.25 lakh which will help the student pay the fees for the entire year. The jury included Veteran Architect Usha Rangarajan , Sandeep Mahajan , Narendra Panse and Anand Lele.

Renowned Architect Nandini Sapre passed in January 2018 due to prolonged illness. She was 54 years old then. She was well known and expert architect and a partner with leading firm Chaney Architects.