The Valley’s Children are Secured

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The United Nations have correctly announced in its latest report that terrorist groups are recruiting children to fight Armed Forces tasked with maintaining peace in Kashmir.
This report comes on the heels of a previous one that accuses India of human rights violations in the valley. This was unfortunately aided by proponents within our own country. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Army Chief General Bipin Rawat have rightfully rejected the latter terming it as motivated by vested interests .
That terrorists resort to the use of children in fighting peace-keepers always been contested by armchair readers. The tactic of using children by Islamist terrorists is, no doubt, a cowardly act across the spectrum. Whether it be Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram or LeT/HuM bred by Pakistan et al, this concept of sacrificing children, the future of humanity, has been taken seriously by our Army whose records of human rights are impeccable and unblemished unlike other agencies.
While global terrorism has seen the proliferation of human rights abuses and use of children as terrorists, Kashmir has been witness to rising schools and educational standards including sports activities. The people of Kashmir have rejected violence and terrorism as future for their children. This could be made possible only by our Army. Had it not been provided with a free hand since the onset of terrorism in the valley, India too would have been facing what countries like Afghanistan and Syria face today.
The valley has witnessed humongous amount of educational outreach commencing from small dedicated schools started by the Army in collaboration with locals. The children of the valley find themselves smitten with books and a hunger for learning and improving their living standards.
Recent reports in the valley of schools being burnt down by separatists stand testimony. These dastardly acts were because schools and children were being encouraged contrary to the agenda of separatism. Despite all these negative influences, it was the Army again which ensured that children in the valley do not follow the path mapped out for them by terrorists or their handlers.
The valley has to yet witness it’s children adopt the path of terrorism that their ancestors sought refuge in. It is heartening to hear and witness the descendants undertake the path of development for their own future. Now, aided by the administration, the Army has an enhanced effectiveness in providing better facilities and educational amenities to the children of Kashmir much to the chagrin of separatists and their handlers.

This report comes on the heels of a previous one that accuses India of human rights violations in the valley. This was unfortunately aided by proponents within our own country. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Army Chief General Bipin Rawat have rightfully rejected the latter terming it as motivated by vested interests .
That terrorists resort to the use of children in fighting peace-keepers always been contested by armchair readers. The tactic of using children by Islamist terrorists is, no doubt, a cowardly act across the spectrum. Whether it be Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram or LeT/HuM bred by Pakistan et al, this concept of sacrificing children, the future of humanity, has been taken seriously by our Army whose records of human rights are impeccable and unblemished unlike other agencies.
While global terrorism has seen the proliferation of human rights abuses and use of children as terrorists, Kashmir has been witness to rising schools and educational standards including sports activities. The people of Kashmir have rejected violence and terrorism as future for their children. This could be made possible only by our Army. Had it not been provided with a free hand since the onset of terrorism in the valley, India too would have been facing what countries like Afghanistan and Syria face today.

It is clearly evident, even among stone-pelters that they carry school/college bags with them. This means that the concept of education and its benefits has been understood by them and is being harnessed on a massive scale. Addressing the issue of stone-pelters is underway, courtesy the long-time peace-keepers again, to further achieve this goal in its entirety. It can be therefore be safely surmised that the valley will remain secured with it’s children despite all the efforts of the separatists or their handlers against the ‘Iron Hand in Velvet Glove’ might of our Army.