Special efforts from CREDAI Pune ‘Woman’s Wing to increase women’s participation in construction sector

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Pune, June 27, 2018: The Women’s Wing of CREDAI Pune Metro has stepped up to create a separate identity of women in otherwise male driven construction sector and to boost women to re-join work.CREDAI Pune Women’s Wing recently collaborated with National level of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Women in Engineering (WIE). They have provided a platform and opened various opportunities for women professionals in the field of construction by participating in IEEE-WIE Symposium held in Pune.

Darshana Parmar Jain, Chairman CREDAI National Women’s Wing, Archana Badera, co-convener of CREDAI Pune Metro Women’s wing, Suhas Merchant, Senior VP of CREDAI-Pune Metro and other fellow CREDAI members were present at the occasion.

Darshana Parmar Jain, Chairman CREDAI National Women’s Wing said, “This collaboration is a step towards ensuring that women from college to those who had to leave job due to varied reasons must understand opportunities available to them in Real Estate along with IT and other industries. Creating an organizational workforce with diversity also requires the talent pool to be available within colleges.”

Badera, co-convener of CREDAI Pune Metro Women’s wing also spoke at the symposium. She opined, “There is always a gap between talent requirements in the industry and skills available. This collaboration of CREDAI with IEEE is a step towards bridging that gap, by bringing lost talent back to the industry, while providing opportunities to women. To grab these opportunities and prosper in career, Self-discipline and Self-confidence are the most important attributes for women who are coming back after a long break.”

The IEEE WIE symposium provided a highly Interactive platform to foster Interaction, Innovation and Collaboration. With a motto of bringing back women scientists and engineers to re-join the workforce, the symposium deliberated on providing an interface with the industry who are willing to hire women and join or re-join the national/international workforce.

Suhas Merchant, Senior VP of CREDAI-Pune Metro giving the keynote address said that, “Women are serious about their commitments” and further added that hard work and precision are the key of their working style.”