Sahyadri Hospitals conducts health awareness workshop for PMC

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Pune ​20 February 2018 : Sahyadri Hospitals in association with the Health Department of the Pune Municipal Corporation conducted a health awareness workshop at PMC . The workshop was a part of the foundation day programs of PMC. About 250 PMC officials and employees participated in the workshop . Dr Abhijit Palshikar Dr Shantanu Shastri , Dr Suhasini Jadhav from Dr Jayashree Todkar’s team , Dr Nikhil Likhate spoke on cardiovascular care , heart diseases and surgery , obesity and joint pain respectively . Additional Commissioner of PMC Sheetal Ugale and Dr Anjali Sabne Senior officer at the Health department was present on the occasion .

Dr Abhijeet Palshikar said that we go to the doctor only when we fall sick . But preventive health care is more important. It is important to avoid smoking , eating healthy food, keeping weight and blood pressure , blood sugar and cholesterol in check and control these.

Dr Shantanu Shastri said that it is important to exercise regularly , one should also avoid lifts . But if at a point , unfortunately if one has to go for heart surgery , there is no need to be afraid or panic.​ Most of the patients walk home on the fifth day .

Dr Suhasini Jadhav said that obesity does not only mean increased weight . It means increased fat . Hereditary factors , stress and lifestyle are responsible for this . It can cause negativity , blood pressure , frequent urination , diabetes , lung ailments amongst many others . Exercise , meditation and good diet are of utmost importance .

Dr Nikhil Likhate said that we can leave healthy if our bones and joints are healthy . Everyone is susceptible to the risk of joint pain after the age of 40.This is more prevelant in females .Again exercise and diet are of utmost importance . If you see any signs or symptoms of joint pain contact your doctor . Not everyone requires surgery and can be controlled with proper medication and exercises .

Additional Commissioner Sheetal Ugale said that we do give required importance to our health .There are large number of female employees in the PMC.If a female is healthy , the entire family is healthy . All of them should take benefit of the workshop organised by Sahyadri Hospitals with eminent experts .

Dr Anjali Sabne , Senior Health officer at the PMC gave the welcome address . ​