Pune Sees Rise in Dengue with 20 Suspected Cases in Mangalwar Peth

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Pune, 22nd June 2024: Since the onset of the monsoon in Pune, the number of dengue patients has started increasing. Recently, 20 suspected dengue patients have been found in Sada Anand Nagar in Mangalwar Peth. In response, the Health Department of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken immediate steps and started preventive measures in the area.

As of yesterday, 20 dengue patients have been identified in Sada Anand Nagar, with 9 confirmed cases of dengue infection. Due to the large number of dengue patients in a single area, the PMC Health Department has swiftly initiated preventive measures. Dr. Suryakant Devkar, Assistant Health Officer of the PMC, stated that these patients have been admitted to Kamala Nehru Hospital. A survey has been conducted in the area to check the health of the residents, and patients with dengue-like symptoms are being treated urgently.

This month, 63 suspected cases of dengue have been reported in the city, with 21 of them identified this week. So far this year, 393 suspected cases of dengue have been recorded. Additionally, 9 cases of Chikungunya have been detected. PMC has issued notices to 560 residential and commercial establishments for the discovery of mosquito breeding sites, and fines totaling Rs 1,06,600 have been collected.

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Dr. Suryakant Devkar also mentioned that houses in Sada Anand Nagar were inspected by the Health Department. While the tap water was found to be clean, contaminated water was discovered in the building’s tanks. A notice has been issued to the concerned parties, and preventive measures have been initiated.