Pune Traffic Revamp: PPCR Advocates for Streamlined Bus and Auto Movement

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Sumit Singh

Pune, 15th February 2024: In a collaborative effort to enhance traffic management in Pune, the Pune Platform for Collaborative Response (PPCR) has submitted a letter to Shashikant Borate, Deputy Commissioner of Police – Traffic, Pune Police. The letter expresses gratitude for the ongoing support from the Traffic Police and highlights the need for urgent interventions to streamline traffic in the city.

Dr. Sudhir Mehta, Lead and Coordinator of PPCR, and Manoj Pochat, Co-Lead, emphasized the importance of traffic safety awareness and acknowledged Deputy Commissioner Borate’s impactful leadership in addressing these concerns. The letter outlines specific requests for immediate actions to alleviate traffic issues in Pune.

Key Recommendations by PPCR:

Designate “Zero Stoppage” Zones: PPCR proposes the identification of specific roads in Pune as “zero stoppage” zones, where stringent penalties would be enforced for any stoppage, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted traffic flow. The effectiveness of these measures will be monitored and documented to assess their impact.

Ban Stoppages Near Turns: PPCR advocates for the enforcement of a ban on stoppages, encroachments, or obstructions within 15 meters of any turns. This measure prioritizes safety and aims to facilitate seamless traffic movement.

Designated Parking for Auto Rickshaws: To reduce congestion, PPCR suggests establishing designated locations, away from main roads, where auto rickshaws can park and wait for customers. This initiative aims to promote orderly traffic management.

The PPCR believes that implementing these measures will bring about an immediate positive impact on traffic flow in Pune. The letter concludes by thanking Deputy Commissioner Borate for his time and consideration of these proposals.