Pune Traffic Police Deploys Women Constables on Towing Vans to Improve Image

pune traffic police towing vehicle from no-parking zone
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Pune, 16th April 2023: Motorists in Pune have often criticized the rude behavior of towing van staff and policemen of the Pune Traffic Police. The criticism has now moved to social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram. The Pune Traffic police has taken a decision to improve their image by avoiding clashes between drivers and towing van staff. The solution is to deploy women police constables on all towing vans.


The department believes that women employees do not abuse like male employees and use polite language. A senior police officer, who monitors social media sites, stated that the police towing van immediately jams or tows the vehicles as soon as they see a car or motorcycle parked in a ‘no parking’ zone. The driver who comes to rescue the vehicle is then asked to pay the fine immediately. However, often, the driver cannot pay the fine immediately, resulting in a dispute between the citizen and traffic police.


Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Vijay Magar said, “After seeing many complaints on social media regarding the rude behavior of traffic police, especially on towing vans or cranes, we have immediately decided to deploy women police constables on towing vans and cranes.”


The traffic police use 15 towing vans and an equal number of cranes to pick up vehicles parked in no parking areas on the roads. In the last two weeks, the department has not received any complaint of the rude behavior of traffic police personnel posted on towing vans and cranes.


A female traffic police constable stated, “Earlier, I was posted at the Chowks to smoothen the traffic on Ganeshkhind Road. However, suddenly I was asked to do duty on a towing van and was asked to speak politely. I have followed all the instructions of my superiors, and so far, no one has argued with me on the issue of penalty.”