TiECON Pune 2022 Future Achievers Conclave on Nov 11 and 12 in Pune

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Pune 9 November 2022: In a world that is rapidly changing, how do you predict the future? More importantly, how do start-ups succeed in this fast-changing scenario? At TiE Pune’s press conference, Ganesh Natarajan, TiECON Pune 2022 Chairperson said, “everyone is talking about a funding winter which will make it difficult for a start-up to grow. At our Future Achievers Conclave on Nov 11 and 12 we have organized a galaxy of entrepreneurial stars who will show how growth and success can be possible.”


Technology which changes at almost the speed of light poses new challenges, and at the same time opens new opportunities for the start-up community. The way forward will be discussed with luminaries such as Nandan Nilekani, Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Bhavish Aggarwal (Ola) and others.


In addition to this, TiE Pune that is known in the global community for its flagship nurture program – TiE Pune Nurture Accelerator, has also organized Masterclasses for founders on varied topics such as Validation of an idea, Scaling your company, Organizing your sales to grow, Funding, Marketing, Cyber Security, Design Thinking, Artificial Intelligence and more.


Says Kiran Deshpande, (TiE Global Trustee) “these masterclasses are half day intensive workshops that immensely help a start-up founder. The difference between a TiE Masterclass and any other is the fact that it is taught by people who are successful entrepreneurs themselves. For example, Scaling and Growing is taken by Anand Deshpande who set up Persistent Systems that is a huge success. Design Thinking is run by Ashwini Deshpande who runs Elephant Design and Digital Marketing by Shantanu Deshpande founder of Bombay Shaving Co. What you get from their experience is unbeatable by any textbook.”


Apart from speakers from the field of technology and finance the Conclave will also showcase young businesses that have succeeded using pure Science such as Ahammune Biosciences, a start-up that aims to solve the problem of vitiligo.


Says Vineet Patni, President, TiE Pune, “we have a special focus on women entrepreneurs as well, given that we run a global contest for women run companies regularly. To enable women entrepreneurs, TiECON Pune 2022 will also have Ankita Vashistha of StrongHer, a global fund that focuses on investing in such businesses.”


In addition to all the event details Patni said, “This year our sponsors NTT DATA, JetSynthesys, Anand Rathi, Fairfax County Economic Development Authority and the State Bank of India are more interested in our start-up community than just getting visibility that such events typically provide.”


“NTT DATA is working with TiE Pune to identify start-ups across India that can solve real-world business challenges proposed by their clients. JetSynthesys is focusing very strongly on Metaverse and has asked TiE Pune to shortlist start-ups that are in the relevant fields for possible tie-ups and collaboration. Fairfax County Economic Development Authority will help companies, curated by TiE Pune, in expanding to the US. And State Bank of India too is looking very keenly at the start-up community. We at TiE Pune have shortlisted companies that our sponsors will find worthy of tie-ups. We will announce more on this on the 12th.”


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